Monday, 1 July 2024

A Tory “letter from the future”

A Tory “letter from the future”

I received this through the post this morning. From Conservative Central HQ, no less.


10 Wellington Place




July 2044


Dear Neil,

Yes, it’s me. Or it’s you, I should say.

I’m writing to you from July 2044, twenty years on from the day you voted Reform.

I wanted to let you know how it all turned out for you. And for me.

Long story short: not well.

Lots of people like you and me voted Reform but we just ended up with masses of Labour MPs.

In fact, Reform ended up winning nothing.

Which didn’t seem fair at the time, but that’s just the way our system works.

Still, given how many people voted for Reform, I thought we’d at least get a hearing, people like us. I thought our values would still have to be listened to. But it didn’t happen like that at all.

You can’t have a voice if no one is listening. And we haven’t had any MPs on our side.

My vote – sorry, our vote – for Reform didn’t get us any Reform MPs. Just more Labour. And it’s no surprise they never listened to you or me.

Labour didn’t care about us back in 2024. Didn’t care about our concerns or our priorities. And they still don’t twenty years later.

They did all the stuff we voted against. Increased our taxes. Spent more on welfare – which you and me paid for by going out to work.

And because so many other people across the country voted Reform, people just like you and me, we let in hundreds more Labour MPs get in who wouldn’t have won otherwise – not to mention dozens of Lib Dem MPs more left wing than Labour.

So, I’ve been living with a Labour supermajority for the last two decades. And you have too.

And it really shows.

16-year-olds were given the vote. EU citizens too. And prisoners and immigrants next.

Votes given to groups mostly backing Labour, as predicted. And they’ve kept Labour in power for two decades. Two decades during which you and me have been nothing but ignored.

I’m not sure anyone listens to people like us anymore. To be honest, I feel like my vote counts for less nowadays. I wish we’d used our vote differently back in July 2024.

The only people Keir Starmer listened to were Labour MPs and the left-wing mates of Angela Rayner. Oh yes, and those Lib Dems, who just dragged Starmer even further to the left, with crazy costly Net Zero charges.

I’ve got higher taxes now. And you’ve had them ever since Labour got in. Turns out their manifesto was a pack of financial fibs.

Starmer had to raise taxes to pay for more generous welfare benefits. And to keep Angela happy. But did you think we’d be seeing any of those benefits? Well, we haven’t.

Pensioners are struggling too. Now you have to pay tax on our state pension. We never had that before 2024, but you’ve been paying ever since.

Yeah, Reform moaned for a bit about how outrageous it was, but they weren’t MPs so no one cared. And what with Starmer having a majority twice the size of Tony Blair’s, he didn’t need to listen to anyone – or at least not anyone like us.

I could have stopped Keir Starmer’s supermajority. YOU AND I STILL CAN.

Don’t give up your say over the future of Britain just to give the Tories a kicking.

Looking back, I can now see there were only ever two options for you and me at the 2024 general election.

If I’d voted for the Conservatives, we’d have had a strong voice. And there would’ve been enough Conservative MPs to ask questions and say no on behalf of people like us. Now it feels that we lost our voice on the day we voted Reform. Felt good for me at the time. Not sure it does for you all these years later.

Wished I’d stopped for a moment. You wanted to give the Tories a kicking, and I wasn’t alone. There were millions of people like me and you who felt like that.

None of us wanted see them back in again. But I didn’t want to see them almost wiped out for good.

Looking back, I wish we’d voted to make sure Keir Starmer had to listen to us. Starmer, Rayner and Labour might not have been able to ignore people like us so much. Maybe we could have had MPs trying to stop him doing whatever he wanted.

Maybe you and me could have had people in parliament speaking up for us and our values. People who would have fought to keep taxes low, police funding up, immigration lower and yes, keep common sense teaching in classrooms.

I made the wrong choice, handing our family’s future over to Labour. You still have time.

Let’s not give Starmer the power to change our country for generations. Don’t give up your say over Britain’s future. Let’s vote Conservative one more time.

I’ve got a really strong feeling I’m going thank yourself for it twenty years from now.



Neil (the real Neil)’s comment: How are the mighty fallen! And the fear-mongering “nudge” technique they use is so obvious, that it grates. As campaign manager for my local Reform candidate, I’m rather busy right now. I shall reply on July 5th or soon after.

Oh, but the last sentence contains a beautiful typo. Add a fullstop, and it becomes: “I’ve got a really strong feeling I’m going. Thank yourself for it twenty years from now.” If I’m still alive then, I will thank myself for voting Reform this July 4th!

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