Thursday, 15 February 2024

A stroll in Surrey (3)

A "portal" to an easy walk, the old railway track from Cranleigh to Peasmarsh

...but not quite as easy as you might think. It's been wet lately. And there's mud and worse

Beautiful countryside. But what do I see? That damned devil with his hands framing his head, again

There have been works going on recently on the Wey and Arun Canal

There are many signs saying "path closed for tree works." Maybe there are some works after all?

Aha. But where did they get the right to "close" the path for more than three miles?
Sane people, like me, reject these kinds of crap "laws"

This time, it's a view from inside the pub

The junction with the Wey, and almost journey's end

Sunday, 4 February 2024

A stroll in Surrey (2)

The standard of erudition shown by the local major public school
(Though, I will say, I too hate those disembodied "vehicle turning left" voices)

Pub stop No. 1, less than an hour from Farnham

Agri-business next to the North Downs Way

But the plants think it's spring. On February 1st!
And the exorcism (see part 1) didn't work... I think I need another pint

Rule 1 of photography: don't point your camera into the sun
(Unless you want a special effect - but then, you may get more than you bargained for)

One of the prettiest spots on the North Downs Way

The plants are right. It really is spring! (For today, at least)

...but some places still look like it's winter

Puttenham village

It isn't winter inside here. Just in time for one pint

The first at Puttenham Golf Club

Crossed fingers I'll catch the bus...

I expended a lot of Watts on that last bit, but yes, I did catch the bus

Saturday, 3 February 2024

A stroll in Surrey (1)

On the way up the hill to Hindhead

The Devil's Punch Bowl

...and that black figure must be the devil!
(Well, one anagram of my name is "Nick O'Hell")

Pub No. 1 of the day

The Punch Bowl, showing the line of the old A3

Gibbet Hill

Thursley village... and that devil is there again

Have I come to the right place for the exorcist?

...but no. I find this place of worship, Pub No. 2, far more wholesome

Thursley Nature Reserve

Hammer Pond - totally transformed since last year's works

And finally, back to a track I know

...and (almost) back to civilization