I have become aware that, when I leave a pertinent comment
on a political YouTube video, for example on GB News or TalkTV, it usually disappears
very quickly. Often, it is gone the second time I look, even when I order by “newest
first.” Happily, this particular comment was still there 15 minutes after I
submitted it. But I squirreled it away anyway.
This is the comment I left on Nigel Farage’s video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZuVXKmbys.
I think it summarizes fairly well my view from the radical wing of the Reform
UK party.
* * *
Nigel, for me immigration is not the major issue today. (1)
Getting rid of “net(t) zero” and other green insanities. (2) Sane and sensible
energy policies (fracking!). (3) Cutting taxes. Hugely. (4) Shrinking the state
and its “public sector” by at least an order of magnitude, including sacking a
lot of civil servants and county and local council CEOs. Those are my top four.
Immigration comes a poor fifth.
But that said, you are right that immigration into the UK
today is a major problem. But the people in boats are just a side-show. The
real problem is not that massive “legal” immigration is “uncontrolled,” but
that it has been planned. By whom, and for what purpose? My local council were
told a decade or so ago to plan for a 20 per cent population increase inside 20
years. When did we ever vote for this? And why were we never allowed a chance
to oppose it?
You are, of course, right about the consequences. Many
people falling off the bottom of the housing ladder, and many more having to
accept far less space and privacy than they have a right to expect. Decaying
infrastructure, worsening quality of life for everyone. Companies having their
premises taken for housing, so people then need to travel further to their
I think a good question to ask is: Who did this to us? And
why? For many years, I answered this with: The statists are trying to establish
a tax base for the future. So they can kick the welfare state can down the road
for a decade or two, and it doesn't fall apart till after they're dead. But
recently, I find myself contemplating a more sinister motive: They are seeking
to destroy cultural cohesion. As a step, perhaps, towards ending all pretence
of sham “democracy.” And then, towards what?
As a Reform party member, I really do think that you and the
party need to focus away from minor issues like the boats, and towards the
things that really matter. This video is a half decent start, but there is so
much more we need to do.