“We shall this
day light such a candle by God’s grace in England as shall never be put out.”
Attributed to Hugh Latimer, burned at the stake
in 1555
This is the final essay of a set of five. It represents the
culmination of a process of hard (and unpaid) mental toil, in which I have been
engaged for fully three years.
In the fourth essay, which you can find at [[1]],
I diagnosed the root cause of the problems, to which we are subjected by
today’s political system. That essay also summarized, and linked to, the first
three essays in the set.
Today, I will address the question: how to go about curing
these problems? My arguments will, necessarily, be a lot more speculative than
my norm. More radical, too; and, on occasions, a little bit uncharitable. Not
to mention sounding, in a few places, as if I have something just a tad too
strong in my bubble-bath. But I will begin gently, by reviewing some things
that have happened in the last month or so, and summarizing those parts of the
earlier essays in this set, whose ideas are required to make this one as
stand-alone as possible.
The essay will also, unavoidably, be long. In fact, it is my
longest yet! 29,000 words, begad. And the most wide-ranging, too. For all this,
I can only ask my readers’ forbearance, and offer the hope that they may find some
of the ideas, which I put forward here, worth far more than the trouble it was
to read them.
But before I start on my main theme, I will give a brief
update on a few things which have happened in the UK since I published the
fourth essay in this set.
Nigel Farage’s bank accounts
A strange and most concerning event happened very recently. Nigel
Farage, “Mr Brexit” no less, complained in late June that his bank told him
that they were about to close the accounts which he had had with them for more
than 40 years: [[2]]. As
the saga has rolled on, it has become plain that Mr Farage is only one among
many prominent individuals to have been treated by banks or other financial
service providers in this high-handed way. Several members of the House of
Lords have also had accounts cancelled. And even the current Chancellor of the
Exchequer (“my” MP) has been refused an account with an on-line bank.
As I wrote in the second essay of this set, “an
international élite, spearheaded by the United Nations among others, and
including multi-national corporations, dishonest politicians, and activist
fellow-travellers, seeks to ‘unite the world’ under the tyranny of a global
ruling class, unelected and unaccountable.” The recent Nigel Farage incident
has made it, more than ever before, clear that the international banking and
financial industry is a key player in this process. And that the “cancel
culture” is a part of their modus operandi. Leading to the thought: “if
they can’t de-bunk your ideas, they will probably try to de-bank you.”
ULEZ, “pay per mile” and fines
Then there is the on-going saga of the London Ultra Low
Emissions Zone (ULEZ) proposed expansion, and related issues.
A High Court judge has heard the objections from several
outer London councils. As of July 20th, the judgement had not been
handed down yet. But London mayor Sadiq Khan looks now to be trying to cover
the possibility that the ULEZ expansion due next month could be stopped in its
tracks. He, and others, are now proposing a “pay per mile” system, or even a
“pay per minute” one: [[3]].
This would not only give them an opportunity to price poor people, and those
with older cars, out of motoring altogether. But it would also entail the
collection, using cameras, of details of when and where every journey by car in
London was made. In other words, government (and, by implication, the police)
would keep detailed records of every movement of every car anywhere in London.
In a Daily Express poll, 77% of people polled were against this scheme. Hardly surprising.
Even if it was not going to be used for charging purposes,
this scheme would be an obvious, and very serious, violation of our right to
privacy. “No-one may be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy,”
says article 12 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. And you can’t get more
arbitrary or privacy-killing than snapping every car wherever it goes!
Beyond this, motoring fines for even minor offences have risen
into the thousands of pounds. It is becoming obvious that all this isn’t really
about safety, air pollution, or any other perceived problem, real or not. It
seems to me to be a combination of two separate strands. One is a giant money
grab. More and more over this issue, I hear people saying it’s all about the
money. The other is a moral panic against drivers, designed by Sadiq Khan and
his ilk to force people, who can’t afford to buy new cars, out of personal
transport altogether.
The Uxbridge by-election
On July 21st, there was a by-election in Uxbridge
and South Ruislip to replace the disgraced Boris Johnson. It showed, to me,
just how rigged in favour of the two big parties the UK political system is.
21% of the electorate voted Tory, 20% Labour, 5% for one of a slew of 15 other
candidates. This compares with 36%, 26% and 7% at the previous general
election. Turn-out was 46%, quite a bit lower than the by-election average. The
silent majority, 54%, showed their contempt for the whole charade by staying
It’s hard to understand how anyone could possibly vote for
the Tories, after all that Johnson did. So, most of those Tory votes, I guess,
must have been votes against Labour, and specifically against the ULEZ
expansion, because Uxbridge is right on the edge of London. As to how anyone
could see fit to vote Labour at all, your guess is as good as mine. As virtually
always these days, there was no-one worth voting for who had any real chance of
winning. “Democracy” of such a kind is simply not fit for purpose.
How I became an ethical and political philosopher
To return to my main theme. I never intended to become
a philosopher. I had been prospering as a one-man software consultant into my
mid-40s, until New Labour brought in a bad tax law called IR35, which has all
but destroyed my career. I will never forgive them for that. Nor will I ever
forgive the Tories. Not only for failing to repeal it as they initially
promised, but more recently for strengthening it, and extending it to people
like lorry drivers.
While I did manage to find some partial work-arounds, IR35
meant that I was effectively banned from the general market, and could only
work with people who already knew what I could do and how I operated, and fully
trusted me. This cut my earning power, for more than 20 years, to only a third
or a quarter of what it should have been. Meaning that, having recently reached
70, I now face undeserved poverty for what remains of my life.
But there has been a silver lining, of a kind. For I have
had enough time to undertake programmes of study, to think deeply, and to
write. I described how I got where I am today in a section titled “My liberty
journey,” in the second essay of this set.
I have long had a strong interest in ethics. And I take the
view that ethics should drive politics, not the other way round. I had written
about this viewpoint in a short book, “Honest Common Sense,” which I
self-published in 2014. I spent much of 2020 and the first half of 2021
reviewing, updating and making clearer my philosophical thinking as a whole. My
work since then has focused on two main areas. First, on the green and “net zero”
agenda, and the back-story behind it. And second, on political philosophy. And,
in particular, how we got into the parlous situation we are now in, where we
need to go from here, just what it is that has gone wrong, and how we might go
about curing the problems.
The green agenda
On the green issues, I wrote two stand-alone essays,
followed by a set of five. The first essay was about the “Green Industrial
Revolution” proposals, made by Boris Johnson and co in late 2020. Most of the
ideas put forward there were either not properly costed or thought through, impractical,
already tried and failed, unaffordable and disruptive, or dangerous
pipe-dreams. Or some combination of several of these.
As to the politics behind them, it’s clear that those that
favour such schemes don’t want the world economy to grow. They don’t want
ordinary people to be prosperous, or to have freedom of choice in how we live
our lives. And they are so dishonest, that they try to sell the dreary,
depressing nightmare world they want to subject us to as if it was a benefit to
The second stand-alone essay addressed the United Nations’
“Sustainable Development Goals.” I looked at the agenda, to which those that
think of themselves as our betters signed us up in 2015 without ever bothering
to consult us. And I found it to be nothing less than a blueprint for the
complete destruction of human industrial civilization as we know it today, and
for tyranny by a self-appointed global ruling class over every human being
alive. I came to the conclusion that the world-view of those peddling this
agenda is a globalist form of fascism. And that the sustainable development
agenda, wherever implemented, will produce results that are quite the opposite
of sustainable.
My more recent set of five essays addressed the accusations
made against our human civilization under the banner of “catastrophic
anthropogenic global warming.” They, too, are linked from the fourth essay in
this set.
I looked for evidence for the “climate crisis” that is claimed
by the alarmists, and found no objective evidence of any such thing. Nor did I
find any hard evidence that emissions of CO2 from human civilization
have caused or are causing any climate problems at all. Or that any amount of
reduction in CO2 emissions would achieve any improvement in the
Moreover, I documented in some detail the history and
back-story of this part of the green agenda. I found a long trail of arrogant,
dishonest, corrupt, reckless behaviours by governments towards us ordinary
people. I told of their corruption of science, their moving of the goalposts, their
lies and scares, their whitewashing of real wrongdoings, their suppression of
dissenting views. I told of their perversion of the precautionary principle, which
has completely side-lined any possibility of objective risk analysis. And I
told of the “long train of abuses, prevarications and artifices, all tending
the same way” (words of John Locke, [[4]]), by which they have prevented any
attempt at objective, rigorous cost-benefit analysis on issues involving carbon
dioxide emissions.
As an aside, Locke’s Two Treatises of Government are
available, for free, on the Internet here: [[5]].
Both are very much worth a read. But in my view, the Second Treatise is nothing
less than the most important work of human political philosophy to date.
Time to take back our civilization from the parasites and pests
To my current set of essays. In the first four, I have looked
on several different timescales at the history, which has led to the situation
we human beings are in today. I have set out the main points of my political
philosophy, outlined the major principles on which a new and better system of
governance could be built, and sketched how such a system might work. And I
have made my diagnosis of the root cause of the problems we are facing today.
A species split
I will now summarize what I see as the root cause of our
problems today, as I diagnosed that cause in the fourth essay. It turns out to
be, that the human species has split into two very different, and completely incompatible,
Human beings
On one side, we have a species I call just human beings,
or sometimes human beings worth the name. Our natural means of getting
our needs satisfied is what German Jewish philosopher Franz Oppenheimer, in his
book The State (1908, English translation 1922), called the economic
means. He described this as “the equivalent exchange of one’s own labour
for the labour of others.”
The habitat, in which our species can best flourish, is a
free market economy, underpinned by systems which maintain peace and objective justice,
and which allow maximum freedom for all human individuals. In such a habitat,
we can build civilizations, and take control over our surroundings. Because of
this, I name us the economic species or economic animal.
On the other side, we have a species, to which I have
given the name politicals. Their natural means of getting their needs
satisfied is what Oppenheimer called the political means: “the
unrequited appropriation of the labour of others.”
The habitat, in which this species best flourishes, is in
positions of power in top-down systems. Such as: Governments. Religious,
military or big-company hierarchies. Organized criminal or terrorist gangs. Or
political activist groups. Such a habitat enables them to pervert the natural human
urge to take control over our surroundings, into an un-natural and destructive
urge to control us human beings. Thus, I dub them the political
species or, in Aristotle’s words, political animal.
Parasites and pests
I identified, among users of Oppenheimer’s political means,
two overlapping tendencies. Which I labelled parasites and pests.
Parasites use the resources they appropriate to enrich themselves and their
cronies, or to rake in money in order to implement their pet schemes. They are
bad enough. But pests go further. Pests (or, otherwise put, vermin) want power
for the sake of what they can do with it. Pests want to control people, to
persecute, and to screw up people’s lives. I gave an overview of the
characteristics of parasites and pests near the end of the third essay of this
The natures of the two species
I looked at the behaviours, which typify members of
these two opposed species, and tried to infer the natures of each.
Each of us reflects the characteristics needed to survive
and prosper in the habitat which is natural to us. We human beings are naturally
peaceful and honest. We are fit to be lived with in a civilization of peace,
progress and prosperity, driven by Franz Oppenheimer’s economic means. We are
born on this planet with the right to use its resources wisely, in order to
build our civilizations. And our long-term mission is to make our planet into a
beautiful, peaceful, comfortable home and garden for our species, humanity.
Our enemies the politicals, on the other hand, are
Machiavellian in their characters. They survive and prosper best in conditions that
enable them to use the political means to take our resources from us. In order
to survive and flourish, they need to drain us, or to persecute us and screw up
our lives, or both. And they persistently indulge in lies, dishonesty,
deception, arrogance, hypocrisy, irresponsibility, evasion of accountability,
aggression, recklessness towards others, intolerance, bad faith, and violations
of human rights and freedoms.
The timing of the split
A view maintained by many scientists is that the process of
species change is driven only by random genetic mutations, and must, therefore,
be very slow. However, the research on Darwin’s finches, which I referenced in the
fourth essay, indicates that behavioural changes, at least, can take place
within just a couple of generations. Indeed, a recent article about the
separation of polar bears from grizzly bears [[6]]
suggests that even physical speciation may act faster than previously thought.
Given both these examples, the idea that human beings and
politicals have had enough time to diverge since the first states appeared (by
my best guess, around 5,200 years ago) looks quite plausible.
The current political system
Next, I will look at the current political system. I shall
begin by defining in my own terms, and giving some of my views on, the major ideas
which underlie the it.
In ancient Greece, politics could mean the rights of
citizens in a city-state, or those citizens considered as a community. More
recently, it has been used to mean a form of government, or the activities
carried out by a government.
I myself find “politics” to be an entirely pejorative word.
Politics is a top-down system, in which “laws,” driven by the agendas of a
powerful élite,
make some things “legal” and others “illegal.” And what is ethically right and
wrong for human beings to do becomes irrelevant.
The state
The state is a top-down political structure, that
enables an élite forcibly to rule over a, potentially large, group of people. It
has been in existence for more than five thousand years.
The state arose out of wars, and the coercive measures taken
by the winners of those wars against the losers. Positions of state power have
long provided, and still do provide, a perfect environment for parasites and
pests to flourish, and to carry out their Machiavellian schemes.
Sovereignty is a theoretical basis for political states, which
was first articulated in the 16th century by French monarchist Jean
Bodin. It produced, among others, the French “Sun King,” Louis XIV. And despite
constitutions, bills of rights, parliaments, sham “democracy” and other bags on
the side, it still forms the intellectual basis for political nation-states
today. Including the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”
In Bodin’s scheme, the sovereign – the king or ruling élite
of a territory – is fundamentally different from, and superior to, the rest of
the population in its territory, the “subjects.” It has moral privileges over
the subjects, whom it can make laws to bind. It can give privileges to those it
chooses to. It can make war and peace. It appoints the top officials of the
state. It is the final court of appeal. It can pardon guilty individuals if it
so wishes. It has a monopoly on issuing a currency in its area. It can levy
taxes and impositions, and exempt at will certain individuals or groups from
payment. Furthermore, the sovereign isn’t bound by the laws it makes. And it
isn’t responsible for the consequences to anyone of what it does (also known as
“the king can do no wrong.”)
The conventional definition of government is something like
“a group of people with the authority to govern a country or state.” Where they
get that authority from, is not spelled out. But today, at the national level, it
is usually through a claim to Bodin’s sovereignty. At the international level,
agendas are often legitimized by claiming that some consortium of sovereign
nations have agreed to them.
Since I reject this idea of sovereignty in favour of the
moral equality of all individuals, I regard government, like politics, as a
pejorative. That is why I use a different word, “governance,” to describe my
proposed replacement for it.
The public good
The public good is often defined as something like “the
benefit or well-being of the public.” But what, exactly, constitutes the
well-being of this “public?” Political policies, which some consider desirable
and even necessary for the public good, may well be anathema to others. Green
policies are a case in point, as is any form of re-distributory or confiscatory
Myself, I follow John Locke’s definition of the public good:
“the good of every particular member of that society, as far as by common rules
it can be provided for.” [[7]].
I also interpret it to mean “the good of every individual in that group of
people, real wrongdoers excepted.”
The social contract
The “social contract” is a fiction, invented by Thomas
Hobbes in the 17th century, and developed and given its name by
Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the 18th. The nub of the idea is that, at
some time in the past, a group of people (or, at least, a majority of them)
consented to be ruled over despotically by an absolute sovereign. They committed
to each other, that they authorized and approved whatever the sovereign chose
to do. Moreover, once the system has been set up, there is no possibility of
changing it, or of escape from it.
Myself, I find this social contract narrative simply absurd.
Even if my ancestors might have subscribed to such a thing (and, as far as I
know, they didn’t), I as an individual have never agreed to any social
contract! Where is my signature on any such damn thing? Moreover, where are the
statements of the benefits I am supposed to get from it, and the procedures for
me to get justice and redress if the government party fails to deliver?
“Society” and the implied social contract
The social contract fiction has led to an idea that there is
something called “Society” in the singular, to which everyone in a particular
area – such as the territory claimed by a state – belongs, whether they want to
or not. According to this narrative, all of us have agreed to an implied
contract, that makes us part of this “Society,” and thus subjects of a
Hobbesian sovereign. This, in turn, makes us subject to a political government,
and to the decrees of its leaders and officials for the time being.
Myself, I reject this idea of “Society” in the singular.
This is because, for me, all societies must be voluntary, and this thing they
call “Society” is not voluntary. My position is supported by the UN Declaration
of Human Rights, Article 20(2): “No one may be compelled to belong to an
association.” A succinct way to put my position is: There is no such thing as “society”
in the singular. There are only societies.
I reject derived ideas like “social justice” and “social
security,” too. And I reject all political ideologies that depend on the idea.
Such as socialism, where “society” is supposed to own the means of economic
production. Communism, where “society” owns everything, and all resources are
controlled and allocated by the political state. And fascism, which
subordinates the interests of individuals to “society” and to the nation.
I also reject any implication that I have ever agreed to be
part of a political society (other than political parties I joined
voluntarily.) Having not voted in a UK general or local election since 1987, I
have never signed up to be governed by any cabal of politicians now in
existence. Let alone the current bunch of evil, corrupt Tory parasites and
pests. Therefore, no bunch of politicians has, or ever has had, any right to tell
me how to live, to drain me, or to harm or inconvenience me.
Where we are today
Next, I will provide a brief summary of some of the evidence
I put forward in the fourth essay.
Failure of the political system
The political system, under which we suffer today, has
failed. The system and the political governments it spawns are no longer legitimate.
At the same time, other ties that have bound people
together in the past have also weakened. Blood ties, linguistic and cultural
ties, religious ties, ties of geographical proximity, have all lost power in
recent decades. Right now, there is virtually nothing left that can bind people
with different sets of interests and desires together into any common political
Failure of government
Government as an institution, too, has failed at all levels.
Instead of defending us, as they ought to, against the parasites that seek to
drain us and the pests that seek to harm us, governments have been taken over
by those same criminal parasites and pests.
Governments, whether local, national, regional or wannabe
global, have turned into rapacious machines, that exploit and impoverish us, rule
over us against our interests, harass us, and routinely violate our human
rights and freedoms. They are even going so far as to seek to destroy our human
industrial civilization, on the excuse of a non-existent climate crisis. And
they are increasingly denying us one of the most fundamental human rights of
all, freedom of speech, by “cancelling” anyone whose views go against
politically correct orthodoxy.
The Partygate scandal, and its aftermath, have shown us that
those in government in the UK today have absolutely zero respect for the rule
of law, or for equality before the law. They want one law for themselves, and
another, far more restrictive, law for the rest of us.
Governments also seem to have awarded themselves a
“meddler’s charter,” that allows them to stalk us and film us wherever we go,
and to interfere in our lives on even the tiniest excuse. Government is coming
to feel, more and more, like a hostile occupying force among us. And trust and
respect between people and the governments that are supposed to serve them have
been lost, in both directions.
Failure of democracy
The sham called democracy, which is supposed to enable
ordinary people to set the direction and tone of government, and to have a full
and fair say in what policies it will adopt, has failed, too.
A vote is completely useless, unless there is someone who
both is worth voting for and has a decent chance of being elected into power.
But almost no-one in any of the mainstream political parties is worth voting
for. The great majority of politicians are dishonest and duplicitous, if not
also selfish and hypocritical. Yet, too many – far too many – people
continue to vote for them. As shown in Uxbridge. So, far from binding people
together, democracy has become a divisive force, and the chasms between people
of differing political views grow ever wider and deeper.
Meanwhile, the supposedly democratic “mother of parliaments”
has turned into a “uniparty.” In effect, a one-party state. Which, far from serving
the governed, spends its time creating problems for ordinary people, while
feathering the nests of its members and their cronies.
Failure of representation
Our so-called “representatives,” for the most part, fail
even to try to represent us, to fight on our behalf our corner among all
the vested interests that scrap for power and control over us. And many of them
actively support pernicious policies, such as the green agenda, heavy taxation,
meddling in our lives, and violations of our rights and freedoms.
“My” MP, for example, is a high-tax-and-spend, pro-IR35, pro-green-agenda,
establishment Tory. He usually ignores my views altogether. And none of my
local “representatives” shares anything like my views on environmental matters
– views which are based, not on a political position, but on many years of
study of the evidence. Nor have I seen anything to suggest that any of them agree
even slightly with my individualist views on human rights and freedoms.
A moral panic
I am coming to see that what we are suffering under today
has many of the characteristics of what is known as a “moral panic.” People the
panic-mongers don’t like are – quite arbitrarily – treated as if we were a
“threat to society.” We are attacked if we don’t follow the political
correctness of the day – as Nigel Farage recently found out. We are attacked if
we want to be independent – as with the witch-hunts against car drivers and
one-man businesses. We are attacked if we disbelieve the party line, and we use
our reason to search honestly for the facts. We are attacked if we try to speak
the truth as we see it – as with those who dispute the green or COVID narratives.
We are attacked if we try to protest against bad and unjust laws.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media fan the flames of panic as
hard as they can. And the establishment and their “experts” pontificate over
what to do about the problems, real or imagined, and rush to put forward
“solutions” that will do the maximum damage to those they hate. All this is
uncomfortably reminiscent of the Inquisitions and witch-hunts of the 16th
and 17th centuries.
Globalism and internationalism
On top of all this, corporate, globalist and
internationalist élites, unelected and unaccountable, have been expanding their
powers. They are seeking, with the active co-operation of many national
politicians, to transform the world’s political and financial systems into a
top-down tyranny, with themselves and their cronies at the top, and us human
beings at the bottom. As part of their vision, they want to “transform
societies” into something that is quite the opposite of any civilization worth
the name. And they want to “nudge” and “transform” us human beings into
something quite foreign to humanity.
Meanwhile, advisors and influencers, technocrats and
“experts,” green, religious or “woke” (in the sense used by political conservatives)
maniacs, financial and big-business élites, academics and activists, and some
that are several of the above fall over each other to take as much as they can
from us, and to do us as much harm as they can. And the mainstream media generally
either ignore, or savage, anyone whose point of view is other than the politically
correct orthodoxy of the day.
How our enemies are behaving towards us
Our enemies, the politicals, the parasites and pests, are
seeking today to trash our human industrial civilization. They seek to suppress
our economy, our prosperity, our rights and our freedoms. They seek to suppress
our human spirit, and to lower our confidence in ourselves. They seek to
suppress our rational thinking, to silence truth, and to swamp us with their
narratives of lies, spin and hype. And they seek to suppress and belittle our
core humanity.
They behave towards us like arrogant psychopaths. Far from
respecting our human rights and dignity, they treat us as if we were mere
animals, or unfeeling objects, or even just numbers in a database. In my most
cynical moments, I think they just want to reduce us to numbers (and perhaps ID
scans) in a database, and have done with us. They are working, both at the
level of individual governments and of global organizations, to establish
themselves as dictatorial rulers over us, to reduce us to poverty and
impotence, and to trash the quality (and maybe even the quantity!) our lives.
Neither parasites nor pests are fit to be invited into any
community of human beings worth the name. They are traitors to human
civilization, and to the human species. They deserve to be kicked out of human
civilization, and denied all its benefits.
Where we want to aim for
Before putting forward my ideas for solutions to our
problems, I feel the need to summarize here some key ideas of my ethical and
political philosophy.
These will include my best proposals so far for the
destinations, towards which we should be steering. I see these objectives as
twofold. First, a new code of law, based on human nature and independent of
culture. I dub this the Convivial Code. And second, a new system of governance,
which I call “just governance.”
Bottom-up thinking and construction
Bottom-up thinking is a way of building ideas from what is
already known, or is reasonably hypothesized as being consistent with the
evidence. And something which is constructed bottom-up is created from
components which are already in existence, and themselves supported from below.
The ideas of my philosophy are put together in a bottom-up
way. For example, we use our experience of reality to find out facts. We use
our faculty of reason to assemble them into percepts and concepts, and thence
into knowledge. We use our ethical sense, based on our knowledge, to judge what
is right and wrong for us to do. On top of these judgements, we build our ideas
of how best to organize groups of human beings, from the individual up, for
maximum benefit to all. And on top of all those, we go about our business of
Bottom-up versus top-down organization
I make a strong contrast between bottom-up and top-down organization.
A top-down organization is a system in which those at the bottom or periphery
are commanded and controlled by those at the top or centre. All today’s
political systems, even democracies, are built on top-down lines.
In a top-down system, a vision or agenda, held by those in
power, dictates social and political organization. (Probably the largest single
element in this vision, is that those in power want to remain in power.) This
enables the making of policies and laws, that often override ethics, and go
against human nature. Moreover, top-down politics requires narratives and
propaganda to hold it together. And at the lowest level, the system can only be
maintained by a combination of faith held by believers, and force against
Turning our world the right way up
It is fair, I think, to say that we human beings, the
economic species, flourish and prosper best in a world built on bottom-up
principles. Whereas the political species flourish in top-down systems, such as
we suffer under today.
In order to vanquish the political species and fulfil our
potential, therefore, we must move the organizations of human communities on
our planet from top-down oriented to bottom-up oriented. As I like to put it,
we need to turn our world the right way up.
Identity determines morality principle
What I call the “identity determines morality” principle is
the idea that right and wrong behaviours for a species of sentient beings
are determined by the nature of the species. I fully subscribe to this
principle. It applies both to human beings and to animals.
Thus, any species of sentient beings has its own “natural
law,” which determines what is right and wrong for any member of the species to
do. Right and wrong for a giraffe, for example, are different from right and
wrong for a lion. A giraffe naturally picks fruit and leaves off the tops of
tall trees. Whereas a lion naturally chases, kills and eats animals like zebra.
If they tried to swap behaviours, both would go hungry, and many lions would
die through falling out of trees.
This principle lies at the root of my diagnosis that human
beings and politicals have become separate species. For, as I indicated above,
our behaviours are very different. Far more so than you usually find between honest,
ordinary human beings from different cultures. And the fact that the behaviours
are so different, tells us that the species are different.
Ethical equality principle
The ethical equality principle is a direct consequence of
identity determining morality. For what is right and wrong for any human being
to do is determined by the nature of humanity; what John Locke called the “law
of Nature,” and many others have called natural law.
I put the principle as follows: What is right for one to
do, is right for another to do under similar circumstances, and vice versa.
Thus, what is naturally right (or wrong) for each human individual to do, is
the same for all human individuals.
Honesty and integrity
The word “honesty” has many meanings. For example, seeking
and telling truth, straightforwardness, trustworthiness. But my own definition
is all of the above, and more. Honesty is being true to your nature.
Honesty is behaving as is natural for a human being.
Integrity, as well as meaning “the attribute of being
undivided,” is often seen as “a quality of being honest and having strong moral
principles.” In my take, integrity is the product of honesty. Integrity
constitutes the observable behaviours, which come from being true to your
nature, and behaving as a human being.
Rights and obligations
Rights, often called human rights, are benefits which accrue
to human individuals by virtue of being human. That is, by behaving as is
natural for human beings.
Lists of rights have been put forward in many documents over
the centuries. Such as Magna Carta of 1215, the 1689 English Bill of Rights,
the 1791 US Bill of Rights and the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human
Rights. None of these lists is anywhere near perfect, and all of them are
Rights, such as property or privacy, back-to-back with
obligations, such as not to steal, or not to intrude into people’s lives
without good reason. You enjoy rights, when those around you keep to their side
of the deal, the corresponding obligations.
In my take, rights divide into three types. First,
fundamental rights. These result from moral prohibitions – obligations to
refrain from doing something, which apply to everyone – of the form “Do not...”
followed by something bad. Second, rights of non-impedance. These rights are
often also called freedoms. These result from more nuanced moral prohibitions,
of the form: “Do not put any obstacle in the way of...” followed by something
good. And third, procedural rights, such as the presumption of innocence until
proven guilty, which must guide the procedures used in confrontational
situations. And, most of all, must be fully respected by everyone in governance
at any level.
There are also putative rights, such as “social security,”
which are not really rights. I refer to these as “misguided rights.” But often,
they can be validly replaced by rights of non-impedance. For example, social
security can be replaced by a right not to be impeded from insuring against, or
associating with others for mutual protection against, economic hardship.
Rights are earned and respect for rights principles
In my view, rights are not granted by some government, deity
or other external party. For me, human rights are earned. You earn your
own rights, by respecting the equal rights of others around you. And this
respect for others’ rights is built into the nature of any human being worth
the name.
Of course, when you were born, you had already “earned”
these rights in principle, because you had not harmed, or tried to harm, any
other individual. But you must continue to respect others’ rights, in order to
retain and to expand your own rights.
The flip side of rights being earned is that by acting as is
natural for a human being, and respecting others’ rights, you acquire the reasonable
expectation that others will respect your equal rights. If you respect others’
rights, your own rights ought to be sacrosanct. I put these two principles together
as: Human beings have human rights, and human rights are for human beings.
A human individual, who behaves as is natural for a human
being, makes himself or herself convivial. (I have borrowed this word
from Belgian natural law philosopher Frank van Dun.)
“Convivial” means “living together,” and often means living
together well. In my take, convivial also means “fit to be lived with.”
And the quality of conviviality is shared by those who behave convivially.
Conviviality is achieved by behaving honestly and with integrity.
I have re-stated Aristotle’s infamous “Man is by nature a
political animal” as: Humans are by nature convivial animals. It is our
nature, not just to live together, but to live together for mutual benefit.
The Convivial Code
It follows from the ethical equality principle that for
any species of sentient beings there must exist an ethical code of conduct,
encapsulating the behaviours which are right (and, implicitly or explicitly, the
behaviours which are wrong) for members of that species. In particular, such a
code must exist for human beings. I call this code the Convivial Code.
The Code encapsulates (or more accurately, will encapsulate)
a minimum set of standards of behaviour for human beings worth the name. It
will be a touchstone for humanity.
Respect for the equal rights of other human beings will be a
very significant part of the Code. But it will also include other elements. I
gave an account of how the Code might be constructed in the third essay of this
To give a flavour of what the Code is likely to contain, I
will repeat here John Locke’s description of the natural law for human beings:
“Being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life,
health, liberty or possessions.” [[8]].
And my best shot to date at an outline of the Code: “Be peaceful. Seek the
facts, and tell the truth. Be honest. Strive always to behave with justice,
integrity and good faith. Be tolerant of those who are tolerant towards you.
Respect the rights and freedoms of those who respect your equal rights and
freedoms. Don’t interfere in other people’s business without a very good,
objective reason. And take responsibility for the effects of your voluntary
actions on others.” To which, I will now add: Practise what you preach.
The Code will be flexible enough to allow individuals and
voluntary societies, by mutual agreement, to add to, vary or set aside some of
its provisions in regard to their dealings with each other. But it will apply in
full, and unmodified, to dealings between those who have not entered into any
such agreement. It will also allow that, in certain exceptional circumstances
such as acting in self-defence or in defence of others, it may be permissible
to break some of its provisions.
One way in which the Code will differ from systems of
political laws, is that the Code will be essentially timeless. Once set up, it needs
no legislative. Changes only become necessary when circumstances occur which
have not been envisaged before, or human nature itself changes, or new
knowledge becomes available about what it is. And these events are rare.
Because of this, absent such events, the Code will be applicable
The convivial community
The convivial community is the community of all those
who choose to behave up to the standards which are natural for human beings.
What binds this community together is a shared willingness to behave
I equate this with the community, of which John Locke said [[9]]:
“by which law [the law of Nature], common to them all, he and all the rest of
mankind are one community, make up one society distinct from all other
creatures. And were it not for the corruption and viciousness of degenerate
men, there would be no need of any other, no necessity that men should separate
from this great and natural community, and associate into lesser combinations.”
Those that fail to keep to the Convivial Code, particularly
if their failures are gross or persistent, I call disconvivial
individuals. Disconviviality is the quality of being disconvivial.
Disconvivial individuals are equivalent, in the realm of
conviviality, to criminals today. And, as John Locke identified, to the degenerates
(literally meaning “no longer of their kind”), whose “corruption and
viciousness” broke apart the convivial community in the first place.
Judgement by behaviour principle
Judgement by behaviour is an important adjunct to the
principles of ethical equality, honesty and respect for rights. It represents a
practice of judging individuals by examining how they behave, rather than by things
outside the individual’s control, such as race, birthplace, skin colour, social
class or received religion. Thus, you should judge people by their actions.
And, of course, their motivations for doing what they do, as far as you can
work them out.
I put this as: It isn’t who someone is that matters, only
what they do. Or, more succinctly: Human is as human does.
Community versus society
Before I go further, I must explain the distinction I make
between a community and a society. A community is a group
of people, bound together by some shared characteristic; but not necessarily by
anything more. A society, on the other hand, is a group of people who
have agreed to join together in a common cause.
A society has what Jean-Jacques Rousseau called a “general
will,” the will of the members as a whole. Provided, of course, that those, who
cease to agree with the objectives or the conduct of the society, can freely
leave the society. A community, on the other hand, has no such thing. And thus,
it does not exist as a collective, only as a group of individuals.
The people who reside in a particular geographical area, for
example, are bound together into a community by their common place of
residence. But they are not a society, because there is no common cause, in
which they have all agreed to join.
Voluntary society principle
The voluntary society principle is the first principle of
organizing a civilization, as opposed to a political government. I state it as:
All societies must be voluntary.
A major consequence of this is that because those who live
in a particular geographical area are only a community, they cannot be assumed
to support or to accept any particular political ideology. Therefore, they
ought not to be subjected to any political government. This principle is the
root of my disagreement with the ideas of the social contract and “Society” in
the singular.
Common-sense justice principle
The second principle of organizing a civilization is
common-sense justice. I state it as follows: Every individual deserves to be
treated, over the long run, in the round and as far as practicable, as he or
she treats others. Thus, common-sense justice is individual justice.
What this means, from the individual’s point of view, is
that you deserve to be treated as you treat others. If you treat others well,
you deserve to be treated correspondingly well by others. And if you treat
others badly, you deserve to be treated correspondingly badly. What could be
more common-sense than that?
Maximum freedom principle
Maximum freedom is the third principle of civilization. It
allows maximum freedom of choice and action for everyone, consistent with
living in a civilized community. I have expressed this as: Except where
countermanded by justice, the Convivial Code or respect for rights, every
individual is free to choose and act as he or she wishes.
Just governance
Just governance is my design for a new form of governance to
supersede the political state. I see its remit as to enable people to live
together in an environment of peace and tranquillity, common-sense justice, and
maximum rights and freedom for every individual. In particular, it will
implement the primary purpose of government, as it was described by John Locke
“The great and chief end, therefore, of men uniting into commonwealths, and
putting themselves under government, is the preservation of their property.”
Just governance will govern communities of individuals, in
much the same way as a referee governs a football match. It will also
adjudicate as needed on the relationships between those individuals, the
voluntary societies to which they belong, and other individuals and societies
they interact with.
It will be bottom-up and de-politicized. Its structure will
be like a network, not a hierarchy. And its authority will come from the
common-sense nature of its principles, and its objectivity, impartiality,
honesty and good faith.
In the third essay of this set, I gave in a few thousand
words an outline of just governance, and of a possible structure for
implementing it.
Civilization is bottom-up social organization. As opposed to
politics, which is a means of top-down social organization.
Civilization is the natural product of de-politicized
systems of governance, such as my “just governance.” It is the environment, in
which we human beings worth the name can best do what is natural for us to do:
live our lives well and fulfil ourselves. And, in the process, make ourselves
prosperous and happy.
How to make a start on fixing the problems
With the background set, I will now take a turn towards a
more radical direction.
Consider a situation, in which many human beings in a
particular geographical territory feel the need to, in John Locke’s words [2]: “rouse themselves, and endeavour to put
the rule into such hands which may secure to them the ends for which government
was at first erected.” We are certainly
in that situation right now! Almost everyone I talk to is completely fed up
with what is being done to them. And they see no prospect of any improvement, regardless
of what political party is in power.
In what follows, I shall give some ideas on how the problems
we human beings suffer under today might be fixed, once we have the power to do
that. Because the ideas here are provisional, I shall write much of these
sections using the conditional tense, “would.”
The first step
First, a question. What kind of rule would people, who have
been suffering for decades under the kind of bad politics that has been rife in
the UK and other Western countries, choose to replace all the bad politics by,
as a first step towards a better system?
A big problem with getting rid of a corrupt governmental system,
like a political state, is that if you try to replace the system immediately by
an as yet untried new way, the teething troubles would likely be very serious,
and could damage the credibility of the new way. But if you simply abolish the
system, you are left, in essence, with anarchy. And you have lost the authority
you need to make the parasites and pests, that mis-used government power either
directly or indirectly, compensate the victims of their predations and their bad
politics. Yet, if you leave the system in place without changing its power
basis and removing its former establishment, you will face a vicious backlash
from that establishment.
Many prospective solutions to our ills, therefore, are “dead
in the water” before even being tried. Simply to replace in power one mainstream
political party by another is, even at best, to change the label on government without
significantly changing its substance or style. And it would not get rid of
those parts of the establishment, such as the “civil service” bureaucracy,
whose power does not depend on which party is in charge for the moment.
Moreover, the problems with the sham “democracy,” under
which we suffer, run far deeper than just which political faction is in power.
Those who want, not one kind of politics rather than another, but less politics
or none at all, are completely unrepresented.
Further, even when run completely fairly and honestly,
democracy is a majoritarian system. But, as Mahatma Gandhi told us: “In matters
of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.” And a lot of political
decisions come down, ultimately, to matters of conscience: to deciding, in a
particular instance, what is right and what is wrong.
Beyond this, any new system in a geographical territory would
have to have, at the very least, self-determination for the people there. It could
not allow any interference by parties outside the area, such as the European
Union (EU), United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) or World Business
Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Such interference is completely
incompatible with the Enlightenment ideal of government for the benefit of,
with the consent of, and accountable to, the people who inhabit the territory.
There is one solution, which I think could be ultimately successful,
and yet would wind down the state gently enough to allow time to bring people to
confidence in the system which will replace it. That solution is… a temporary,
enlightened monarchy. Or, otherwise put, a return to Plato’s ideal of a
philosopher-king. Someone with enough philosophical nous to understand
the issues which need to be addressed, and yet enough ability to get things done
to lay plans for, and set in motion, the actions which need to be taken.
Such a solution would, of course, require strong support
from the ordinary people in the territory; those who have “roused themselves”
to pick a new pair of hands to govern them. In return, the incumbent (who, for
the sake of grammatical simplicity, I will assume to be male) would have to
undertake to use his temporary state powers only for the benefit of the people
who put him there. He would be, at the same time, both an absolute monarch and
a populist!
If I ruled the land…
Philosopher-kings are, like unicorns and honest politicians,
very rare and hard-to-find beasts, usually only seen on pub signs. But in the
real world, you can try to create them in two ways. One, by picking a king and
teaching him the philosophy appropriate to the job he is needed to do. The
other, by finding a philosopher with the right kind of ideas, and making him
History shows that the first approach does not work. Even
the most enlightened (and even Enlightened) despots, like Catherine the Great,
still took part in all kinds of political shenanigans, many of which went
against the interests of their people. As to Charlie the current “king” of the
“Disunited Wasteland” as I will dub it, he is a UN and WEF henchman. The second
approach seems more promising. But the only historical example I could find was
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, and even he wasn’t anywhere near perfect.
How such a candidate might be picked is an interesting
question, and one I prefer to skip over. I would certainly not want to put
myself forward as a candidate, however “uniquely qualified” for the job I might
be. For to become a public figure really isn’t my style. However, if needs were
to must, and there was no-one else suitable, I suppose I would feel obliged to
hold my nose and get the job done.
Day One
So, what would I do if, perchance, I was installed with
absolute, if temporary, monarchical power over the people in some territory?
Which might (or might not) be all, or some part of, the area currently claimed
by the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?” Again, for
simplicity, I will assume that my “realm” would consist of all of this area.
Right from day one, I’d make it absolutely clear what I saw
myself as being there to do. My job would be to run down the political state,
to the point where it would be safe to abolish it, and to replace it by a new, honest
system of governance, which acts for the benefit of all human beings worth the
name in the territory. That system might, perhaps, be based on my “just
governance” proposals. But I would always be open to suggestions from others,
to see if they might work better in practice than my own ideas.
My objectives
My objectives, in a nutshell, would be: To get rid of politics,
bad policies and bad politicians. Hugely to reduce the size of government, and
the scope of what it does. To withdraw from all international organizations and
agreements, that go against the interests of the human beings in the territory.
To repeal all bad laws, that are a drain on or a disbenefit to human beings. To
end the practises that have enabled parasites and pests to make gains at the expense
of human beings, and to hold those parasites and pests accountable for what
they have done. To move the laws of the territory closer and closer to the
natural law for human beings, as I paraphrased it in the section on natural law
above. And to move more and more towards a system of governance, whose
functions are restricted, as far as possible, to delivering peace and justice.
And in which everyone is treated, as far as practicable, as he or she treats
In terms of day-to-day governance, I would see myself primarily
as like a referee in a football match. I would see my main jobs in that role as
being to keep the “game of life” within the territory flowing, and to prevent
those that do, or seek to do, real harms to others from getting away with their
My focus
My primary focus at the outset would be to undo all bad
political policies, and to hugely improve the honesty, impartiality,
objectivity and justice of everything my governance does.
As part of this, I would aim to get rid of all restrictions
on the economy. I would establish sane and sensible policies on energy and the environment.
I would get rid of re-distributory and confiscatory taxation. I would aim to
move closer and closer to the ideal that what each individual pays for
governance should be in direct proportion to the benefit that he or she gets
from it. And I would set in motion programmes to eliminate all dishonesty and corruption
from governance, and to make the parasites and pests provide full compensation
to the human beings they drained, or harmed, or both.
How I would begin
Here is how I would start on my quest for a new and better
world for all human beings.
I would publicly assert the self-determination and
independence of the territory and its governance from all parties outside the
territory. I would affirm by oath that my governance will act for the public
good, and only for the public good, of the people it governs. That is, the good
of every individual among the governed, real wrongdoers excepted. I would
affirm that my governance will seek, with all its might, to identify the
political parasites and pests, to make them compensate their victims, and to
punish them as appropriate; all in accord with the ideal of common-sense
justice. And I would affirm that my governance will not attack, or intentionally
harm, anyone, either inside or outside the territory, unless they seek to
attack or to harm it or the people it serves.
I would also publicly assert that the interests of human
beings must always come ahead of the interests of other species, if they are in
conflict. I would assert that for a human being, to live in harmony with nature
is to live in harmony with human nature. And that is: To build
civilizations, to conduct honest business and trade, and to take control of our
surroundings. As I put it three decades ago: “Man must conquer nature, not let
nature conker Man.”
My approach to politics and religion
I would never seek to impose any political policy, or political
or religious orthodoxy, for its own sake. I would never seek to impose any
particular lifestyle on anyone. I would not put obstacles in the way of those
who want to live different lifestyles from others, unless what they are doing objectively
and provably harms someone else. I would let socialists live in socialist
communes if they wish, greens in green communes, Christians in Christian communes,
atheists in atheist communes, capitalists in capitalist communes, and so forth.
That said, I would ban all political parties in the
territory, with immediate effect, on the grounds that no-one has any right to
enforce any political policies or ideology on anyone. I would be an apolitical
king. Or, even, an anti-political one.
I would also disestablish the Church of England, and
disengage all links between governance and religion. But I would not put restrictions
on any religious community, unless they try to foist their religion on others, or
try by force or threats to stop those who wish to leave them.
Immediate institutional reforms
I would retain the House of Commons as an elected body, but
would mandate a fresh general election, in which all candidates must be
The role of MPs would no longer be to debate or set policies,
but to be truly representatives of the people who live in their areas. They
would sample opinion in their constituencies, and report to me and my advisors
what their people think about what is happening, and how it could be improved.
They could also act as an advisory body on the repeal programmes.
I would also mandate fresh local elections, with all
candidates required to be Independents. These would be held a few months after
the Commons election. County and local councillors would perform a similar
function to MPs, but restricted to matters local to their areas. I would demand
that all councils, and all councillors, leave and publicly reject political pressure
groups such as C40 and UK 100.
I would encourage judges to continue using common-law
precedents in cases they judge. I would also encourage them to consider the
rights and wrongs in all cases, and not to enforce any political “law” that is inconsistent
with the natural law for human beings. As John Locke told us, man-made laws are
“only so far right as they are founded on the law of Nature.” [[11]].
I would abolish the House of Lords, and annul the titles of all
its members with political backgrounds. But I would allow honest judges and
other non-politicized peers to retain their titles. And I would appoint some of
the most honest, capable, apolitical peers to senior positions in a new Ethical
Audit Office, to become responsible for quality control and auditing on
governance at all levels.
I would also set in motion a plan to review all honoured titles,
and annul all knighthoods and other titles that had been awarded for political
“service.” I would never create any new honours myself.
I would abolish the politicized “supreme court,” a creation
of Tony Blair, and would replace it by a court (which might include some of the
same judges) operating according to the rules used prior to 2009, with due
allowance for the House of Lords no longer existing.
I would promulgate my objectives (as above) and my proposed
programmes (as I will describe below), and solicit feedback from the people via
their MPs and local representatives.
My approach to the job
I would pick my own team of trusted advisers. The team would
be small enough to be manageable, but large enough to provide a variety of
different skills and points of view. Within this, there would be a core of my
closest aides, covering at least home affairs and justice, foreign affairs and
defence, economic affairs and quality control.
The team would not include anyone with a background in
politics. Many of my advisors, I expect, would be current or former business
people. A few would be specialists in relevant academic or scientific areas. Or
even, perhaps, economists of a low-tax, free-market bent. But I would first need
to make myself certain of their honesty before appointing any of these.
My own lifestyle would be comfortable, cosseted and serviced,
but not opulent or at all showy. Certainly not royal in any way. Comparable,
perhaps, with the lifestyles of the fellows of an Oxford or Cambridge college. For
both business and leisure, I would travel by chauffeured car, choosing not to
drive because of my age. I’d fly on scheduled airlines, but not by private jet
or the Royal Air Force. I would not travel often outside the territory. And
when I did, it would be mostly for friendly conferences with other leaders in
similar situations to my own.
I would work whatever hours I felt were both necessary to
get the job done and healthy for me. I would eat and drink as I find best for
my health and sanity. I would take as remuneration an amount sufficient to live
in enough ease and comfort to do the job to the best of my abilities, and to
secure my financial future for the rest of my life. But no more.
I would recruit trusted intermediaries to do those parts of
the work that are outside my skill set, such as dealing with the press, and reacting
to emergencies in the short term.
I would rarely appear in public, and never so in my official
capacity. I would not throw lavish parties. Though I surely would party from
time to time with my friends and advisors! And I might choose to invite anyone,
whose ideas I find interesting, to fill me in on their thinking, over a few
glasses of whatever takes our respective fancies.
To keep people informed, I would issue a progress report
each month for everyone in the territory. It would be available on-line, in both
document and video formats.
The first round of reforms
Having made such a start, I would then unleash my first
round of reforms.
Cultural changes in governance
I would quickly set in motion several significant cultural and
philosophical changes in the way my governance works.
I would make it plain that governance does not exist for its
own sake. It exists only for the benefit of those who pay for it. And of all
those who pay for it, real wrongdoers excepted. If it fails to deliver a nett benefit
to the human beings it governs – to every single one of them – then it is
failing in its task. And any of its employees, who fail to do their part in
delivering a nett benefit to the governed, are failing in their own tasks, and
so liable to disciplinary action.
I would mandate equality before the law. I would make it
plain that no-one in governance has any kind of ethical privileges over the
people they are supposed to be serving. What is right for one to do in a
situation, is right for another to do in a similar situation, and vice versa.
I would require that everyone in my governance must always
be totally honest towards the people for whose benefit they are supposed to be
acting. Any intentional dishonesty towards those people would be a dismissal
offence, with cancellation of pension. Such dishonesties would include lying to
or misleading the people, or behaving arrogantly or unreasonably towards them,
or knowingly acting – in whatever way – against their interests.
Further, everyone in governance must always respect the
human rights and dignity of those they are supposed to be serving. The
perpetrators of dishonesty or violations of rights would also be required to
compensate those they wronged. This rule could – and would – be applied to
actions in the past, just as much as those in the present and the future.
The Ethical Audit Office would be responsible for
investigating and dealing with all such cases, as part of their remit to build a
system of formal Honesty Audits for the future.
I would order an immediate, ethically based review of the
surveillance, to which we are subjected. This would cover surveillance of
people, of vehicles, and of communications of all kinds, by both government and
non-government actors. In the meantime, I would require government to cease all
routine surveillance of people going about their daily lives, unless there is
reasonable suspicion that they have done, are doing or are planning to do some
real crime.
I would ditch the perverted form of the precautionary
principle, that has encouraged governments to act against a perceived risk even
if that risk is not quantified. Thus, I would end the culture of over-caution
and over-safety, that has resulted from this perversion. I would revert to the precautionary
principle in its true form: “Look before you leap,” or even “First, do no
harm.” If the effectiveness or cost-benefit of taking action against a perceived
risk is unclear, governance must not take precipitate action. Rather, it
must work to quantify costs versus benefits more accurately.
I would mandate that objective risk-benefit analysis must be
done on all governance projects which either are intended to mitigate risks, or
might cause risks due to their effects or side-effects. This would include all
projects in progress, that have not already had such an analysis done. All
analyses must be objective, unbiased and quantitative. It will not be
acceptable to use a “post-normal” approach, or finger-in-the-air methods such
as “expert elicitation.”
I would mandate that objective cost versus benefit analysis must
be done on all governance projects of any significant size. The analysis should
be done from the point of view of the people who are expected to pay for it, or
are or will be affected by it either positively or negatively. As with risk
analyses, these must be objective, unbiased and quantitative.
Further, projects in progress must be regularly audited for
costs versus benefits, and curative action taken if necessary. And as required
by the “First, do no harm” principle, no project may proceed if it causes
unjust harms to any particular kinds of individuals or groups of people.
I would require that governance must always allow maximum
freedom of choice for everyone. In particular, it must never force on to people
decisions of a “crossing the Rubicon” nature; it must never mandate the removal
of backwards compatibility. Those who wish to continue to employ tried and
trusted ways, such as using cash or cheques, or refusing to have a mobile
phone, must be allowed to do so, for life if they wish. And neither governance nor
anyone else may discriminate against them because of this. Further, governance
must always allow people the option to back out of any new technology they feel
is not working in their interests, and to return to using older methods.
Where so recommended by my Ethical Audit Office, I would
disband any unit of government whose behaviour is incompatible with the culture
I have outlined above, and dismiss its staff.
Withdrawing from international bodies and agreements
I would swiftly withdraw the territory from the United
Nations. This would be on the grounds that the UN has been failing in, and in
some instances is now failing even to pursue, its missions. As I documented in
the second essay of this set, the UN has failed, and is still failing, to “save
succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” And since the 1970s at least, it
has done little if anything to help us to “regain faith in fundamental human
rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person.”
Moreover, as to promoting “better standards of life in
larger freedom,” in recent decades our freedoms and standard of living have been
trashed. And much of this has resulted from green policies that have been, and
still are being, driven by the UN. These are very serious breaches of the UN’s stated
purposes. And those breaches ought to provide to any leader in any territory the
unquestioned right to remove his territory from the UN.
I would close down any UN agencies operating in the
territory, and expel all their employees that are foreign nationals. I would
withdraw from all UN organizations and projects, other than pre-existing
peacekeeping operations such as in Cyprus, and perhaps the work of the High
Commissioner for Refugees. I would withdraw from the “2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.” I would withdraw from the 2015 Paris agreement, the
1992 Rio agreements, the IPCC and all other environmental projects in which the
UN is or has been involved.
I would withdraw from the WHO and all its projects. The WHO,
despite its good-sounding name of World Health Organization, is one of the most
actively destructive of the UN’s agencies. Its insatiable, ongoing drive to
force air pollution down to levels so low that they cannot be met in a free
economy, has been a significant cause of some of the problems we currently
face. It has recently gone over the top on “climate change,” claiming it causes
1.4 million excess deaths per year in Europe; a claim not supported by any
evidence at all. Its performance over the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in
its early stages, was atrocious. Yet it is demanding total, global control over
the handling of any future pandemics! All this said, however, my governance
would continue to share relevant health data with other countries as and when
they need it.
I would sever all remaining links with the European Union. I
would respect fair and just agreements which have already been made with the
EU, but not any one-sided “agreements” that were made without reference to the
views of the persons in the territory.
I would be happy to meet leaders of individual European
countries, to see how the interests of our people could best be advanced on
both sides. These countries would include Ireland.
I would not withdraw the territory from the Council of
Europe. I would consider decisions of the European Court of Human Rights to be
advisory only. But I would not in practice go against them, as long as they are
made with full, proper regard to human rights and freedoms.
In the longer term, I would seek to incorporate the best of
the European Convention and the UN Declaration, together with earlier lists of
rights and obligations, into a new, wider Bill of Human Rights. Such a list of
rights, back-to-backed by obligations, could form the basis for a first draft
of the Convivial Code, to be put forward for public debate.
I would continue membership, for the time being, of non-UN international
organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO). We would continue to
trade under existing WTO rules with those countries with whom there are no
other agreements. I would, however, institute reviews of the benefits, costs
and risks of membership of this and other such organizations.
I would bring in a ban on companies affiliated to the WEF or
WBCSD. I would give them one year, either to leave those organizations and
publicly repudiate them, or to cease all their operations in my territory. All
companies still affiliated to these organizations at the end of that year would
be permanently banned from any operations in the territory, and their assets
within the territory seized.
I would also ban green activist organizations, such as
Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the WWF, C40, Extinction Rebellion and Just
Stop Oil, from operating in the territory.
Foreign and military policies
I would continue for the moment with treaties previously made
with individual countries, including trade treaties. But I would institute
thorough and objective reviews of them all. This would include a review of
military defence treaties, and in particular of the future of NATO.
My foreign policies, broadly, would be to “live and let
live” with other countries willing to do the same. With the longer-term
intention of bringing about a world in which there are no standing armies, I
would increasingly restrict military activity to defensive and reactive roles, and
retaliation in case of need. For the latter reason, I would retain a nuclear
I would not take part in any new war, unless the interests
of those in my territory were directly threatened. But I would continue
defensive military assistance to the Ukrainians, on the grounds that they are
the innocent party in the current war, and it is in the interests of all human
beings worth the name to prevent “Rash Putin” getting away with his aggressions.
Migration policies
I would close the borders to all officials, employees and
associates of the UN, the WEF, C40 and other organizations that have been
peddling the green and globalist agendas. But I would not immediately change the
rules for admission of ordinary people from other countries.
My policies on longer term immigration would be moderate,
and always based on respect for human rights and on the particular situation of
each individual. If they behave as human beings worth the name, and they either
have skills we can use, or a strong enough case that they would face
persecution if we didn’t let them in, we’ll let them come in to live. If not,
we won’t; and we’ll send them back to the last place they came from.
I would not set any “targets” or “quotas” for particular
types of migrants. However, I would seek to avoid any continuation or repeat of
the all-but-runaway population growth the UK went through between 1995 and
Suspending green policies
I would immediately suspend all green agenda policies for a
period of 25 years, and end all government funding, levies and other taxes, and
subsidies for them. These would include: Expansion of off-shore or on-shore wind.
Any use of hydrogen as a fuel, beyond small-scale trials carried out with
volunteers. The proposed ban on vehicles with internal combustion engines. All
pushes to force people into “green transport.” All limits and targets on
emissions from aircraft and ships. All pushes for “greener buildings,” except
for fully cost-justified projects carried out by voluntary participants for the
purpose of saving energy. All subsidies for carbon capture and storage. All policies
made in the name of “biodiversity” or the like. And, in particular, any
measures that interfere with farmers’ ability to produce the food they consider
appropriate to their markets in the way they consider best.
I would suspend all these policies pending thorough, honest
and objective reviews of all aspects of the policies. I would also include air
pollution limits and targets in the list of policies to be reviewed, and would
suspend these for the same 25-year period.
Environmental policies
My environmental policies would aim to maximize the quality
of the human environment. That is, the rights and freedoms, justice and
honesty that we human beings need in order to survive, flourish and prosper. I
would assert that we don’t need to “save the planet” from humanity. Instead,
we need to save it for humanity.
All issues concerning the physical environment would be
dealt with by adapting to problems as and when they arise. All analyses of
future risks would be objective. There will be no pie-in-the-sky schemes to
“mitigate” unproven problems that may not even happen. Still less for
“problems” whose probability cannot even be calculated.
The approach to any problem found in the physical
environment would always be one of “polluter pays compensation.” That is, those
who cause a negative externality to others should be required to pay the
proportion of the aggregate cost (also known as “social cost”) of the nuisance,
for which they are responsible. And these payments should be routed to the
victims of the nuisance, each in proportion to the harms they have suffered.
This would first require the size of the externality, the
identities and shares of responsibility of the perpetrators, and the identities
and shares of the damage caused to the victims, to be objectively and
accurately estimated. In these matters, governance would act only as an
assessor and a router, and would not itself take out any more than it needs to
run the scheme. As the estimates become more and more accurate, the rates of
compensation would be adjusted accordingly.
Energy policies
As to short-term energy policies, I would immediately permit
fracking for gas, in any place in the territory where it is justified by the
expected nett benefits. And I would retain or restore permit schemes for new
oil and gas projects in the North Sea where they are appropriate.
After consulting with my specialist advisors, I would set
plans to retain coal-powered plants – with scrubbers – for as long as they are
I would abolish all subsidies for “renewable” energy
sources, and require that their owners must remove them at the end of their
useful lives, and either replace them or clean up the site altogether.
I would also lay out plans to secure access for the people
in the territory to abundant, affordable, reliable energy for the medium and
longer terms. I would expect to continue moves towards expanding the use of
nuclear power, including small modular reactors once they have been proven. And
I would seek to make it easier and cheaper to get nuclear power projects
I would move very quickly towards a low-tax, high-growth
economy. I would not only reduce tax rates, but also hugely reduce the
complexity of the tax system. I would end all predatory or confiscatory
taxation, and all taxation that re-distributes wealth unjustly. I would end
“sin taxes” on alcohol, smoking and other pleasures, and all regulations
intended to make it harder to sell these pleasures. And I would end all fines
for indiscretions that do not impose harm or unreasonable risk on anyone.
All this would be paid for, not only by the natural rise in tax
receipts when an economy is doing well, but through the on-going savings from progressively
sacking more and more of the parasites and pests from government positions. The
“civil service,” in particular, would be decimated, and far more. For they have
persistently worked, over many decades, not for the benefit of the governed as
they should have done, but for the benefit of the state. And today, the good of
the people and the good of the state are not only incompatible, but
diametrically opposed.
I would repeal IR35, and all other laws that have put individuals
and small businesses at an unjust disadvantage. I would ditch “Making Tax
Digital,” and all other government schemes that cause unnecessary costs or
hassles to small businesses. Looking to a future in which the “public sector”
will be greatly down-sized and eventually abolished, I would create an economic
climate friendly to new and small businesses.
I would have all those companies that have lobbied for
government subsidies, or for exemption from burdens to which their competitors
were subject, or for policies to disadvantage their competitors, investigated.
Where they have made ill-gotten gains, I would require them to re-pay those
gains, and to compensate those they stole from. In extreme cases, such as where
companies used politics to enrich themselves unjustly, I would ban these
companies from operating in the territory altogether.
In the longer term, I would seek to move the tax system
towards one in which what individuals pay for governance is determined, not by their
income or by what transactions they carry out, but in proportion to the benefit
they receive from the function of governance that protects their property. That
is, in proportion to their total wealth.
Welfare and health
I would not make any immediate changes to welfare policies.
In particular, old age pensions and disability payments already qualified for would
be continued for the indefinite future, since the recipients have already paid
for these benefits. However, all new pension and insurance schemes would have
to be private.
In the longer term, I would seek to move welfare out of the
remit of governance. In time, welfare should be covered by a combination of
insurance, mutual aid societies, and charity as a final back-stop. All this
will need careful planning, and just and honest management.
My health policy would be similar to my welfare policy. I
would recognize that the NHS must eventually be dismantled, and its functions
turned over outside governance to the people who provide the services. But as
with welfare, the change needs careful planning.
As with welfare and health, I would not make immediate
changes to education policy, apart from de-funding those university departments
that behaved dishonestly towards the people over the green scams or the COVID
However, I would set in motion a long-term process of
de-politicizing education, with the eventual aim of transferring control over
individual schools to educators outside governance. Where appropriate, teams of
teachers would have the chance to take over their own schools.
I would close down the BBC. I would sell off those parts,
such as sports, which are capable of making quality and unbiased programmes.
The news and current affairs departments, and others that have shown political
bias, would simply be closed down.
Ditching other bad laws
I would repeal all laws such as the “spy cops” bill,
that permit police, or other officials, legal privileges to do things that
ordinary people may not.
I would cancel all laws “in the pipeline” that would have an
adverse effect on human rights and freedoms. This would include, but not be
limited to: The “on-line safety” bill. Digital ID. Central bank digital
currency. And “smart road user charging,” otherwise known as “pay per mile.” Any
planned further restrictions on smoking, gambling, school attendance, sugar
intake, or anything else affecting the daily lives of ordinary people, would
also be dropped. If any of these bad laws had already been made, I would order them
repealed immediately.
I would order post hoc cost-benefit reviews on all
laws that were imposed as a result of EU directives, which were not already
covered by the green policy reviews. I would repeal all those that fail the
cost-benefit test.
I would also repeal all collective limits and targets on
anything. Such laws are unfree, unjust and anti-human, and have never been
agreed to by the people they were imposed on.
I would repeal all “safety” laws made since 1992, that were
based on the perverted form of the precautionary principle and the culture of
over-caution it led to. Not just in the environmental area, but in things like
building codes too.
I would repeal all smoking bans. The right to set rules for
smoking on a property would return to the property owner or proprietor.
I would end all anti-car policies. I would scrap the London ULEZ,
and its equivalents in other cities. I would order removed all low traffic
neighbourhoods, traffic filters, 15- and 20-minute cities, chicanes and speed
bumps. I would return the procedures to be used to set speed limits to the
rules in use prior to the Rio agreements of 1992. And I would re-assess and
re-set all speed limits, which had been reduced since 1992, using those rules.
I would also progressively reduce subsidies for public transport, with an aim
eventually to phase them out entirely.
Further, I would order a general review of all other laws made
since 1992, that have had, or may have had, an adverse effect on human rights
and freedoms. Laws that show a proven or likely adverse effect would be
subjected to a fuller review, and repealed if appropriate.
I would take full account of the ethics-based review of
surveillance, which I had commissioned at the start.
With regard to surveillance of communications, including
phone and Internet, I would ban all routine surveillance, except where there is
reasonable suspicion of real wrongdoing. These bans would apply to both
government and non-government surveillance. And the sale, or use by third
parties, of data obtained through such surveillance would be prohibited.
I would mandate that physical surveillance in the public
space, as opposed to on private property, should be the exception rather than
the rule. Only places with significant risks of crime or other dangers, and
schemes to collect tolls on new infrastructure, should be allowed to use camera
surveillance at all. Sequences of cameras or other sensors that can track the movements
of people or vehicles, and all use of cameras with facial recognition ability, would
be forbidden in the public space. As would all routine drone surveillance.
Automatic number plate recognition would also be forbidden, except for
collecting tolls on new infrastructure. All existing camera installations, that
do not meet the new criteria, would be required to be taken down permanently.
I would also review what surveillance measures may be ethically
appropriate on private property, particularly in shops, workplaces and public
transport (including aeroplanes). This would distinguish clearly between denial
of access to those whose conduct does not allow them the right to that access,
and surveillance of those already accepted on to the property. I expect this
would lead to the majority of CCTV systems in shops and public transport being
taken down. And no surveillance would be allowed inside workplaces, except for
the purpose of controlling access to different parts of the property.
In general, individuals who are not trespassing on others’
property should only be subjected to surveillance of any kind if there is
reasonable suspicion that they have carried out, are carrying out, or are
planning to carry out, a real wrongdoing.
Wider debates
I would also seek to open up public debate on some wider
One of these matters would be the most desirable level of air
pollution. The approach of recent decades, driven by the UN and WHO, has been
to cut, and cut, and cut air pollution without regard for the costs,
inconveniences or loss of freedoms caused to the people. This goes against the
civilized tolerance, and spirit of “live and let live,” which are necessities
for free, happy, comfortable and prosperous living. In light of the new “polluter
pays compensation” policies as above, I would order a review to answer the
question: “How should we determine the acceptable levels for particular kinds
of air pollution?”
Some more subjects, which I would like to bring up for open
public debate, are the old chestnuts of abortion and euthanasia, and the new
threat of artificial intelligence (AI).
On the first two, my view is that those of different but ethically
reasonable persuasions on these matters should have maximum freedom to follow
their own persuasions.
On AI, one of my concerns is its use, more or less subtly,
to bias what people are “allowed” to say and to see. Another is its mis-use to depict
data in a database as if it was a “single source of truth.” Whereas in reality,
the only source of truth is evidence from the real world. But perhaps my main
concern over AI is that decisions which affect people could be made using, or
with the assistance of, AI. How could you possibly hold an AI accountable, if
it made or influenced a decision that unjustly harmed someone?
Reviewing the bad policies
I see three types of reviews that will be necessary in
order to find out the full facts, and make the best decision as to how to
proceed, on each of the bad policies that have been imposed on us against our
wills. These include (at least) the suspended green policies, and the handling
of COVID-19. The reviews needed are risk reviews, cost-benefit reviews, and
historical audits.
Risk reviews
The risk reviews will assess, for example: The difficulties
with large-scale roll-outs, for example of car charging points. Possible
de-stabilization of the electricity grid. The potential for high-profile
accidents, particularly with hydrogen. Financial and budgetary risks. And, most
important of all, the risk that the policies would make life worse for people
who don’t deserve it – for example, by pricing older or poorer people out of
their cars.
“Known unknown” risks, where the possibility of risk is
known but the magnitude is not, will be dealt with by undertaking more work to
quantify the risk better. “Unknown unknown” risks, being impossible to quantify
objectively, will not be considered. This is because, under the true
precautionary principle, the risks of making a bad decision outweigh the risks
of doing nothing unless and until a quantifiable problem arises. I say again
that “post-normal” approaches, or finger-in-the-air methods such as “expert
elicitation,” will not be tolerated.
Cost-benefit reviews
As per the new culture I described above, the cost-benefit
reviews will be objective, unbiased and quantitative. And they will be based
entirely on the costs and benefits to the people whom governance serves, not on
any political considerations. They will also be accurate, to a degree well
beyond what has been normal for “government work.” Every effort will be made to
quantify the costs and benefits within minimum levels of error. And projects
will only be allowed to go ahead if the nett benefits to the people are clear
and major.
Historical audits
The third kind of review would be the historical audit. It will
assess the full story of how, in a supposed democracy, policies came to be
imposed on everyone against the wills of many; and with little or no hard
evidence that the claimed problems were real, or that the measures taken would
actually solve the problem, or both. Again, these audits will be in the remit
of the Ethical Audit Office, the new quality arm of my governance.
These reviews will cover all aspects, including: Validity
and honesty of the science. Interactions with third parties such as the IPCC.
The conduct of government and its advisors over the matter, with particular
regard to truthfulness, objectiveness and honesty. How the matters were
presented to the public. Openness (or not) to non-establishment views. And the
conduct (or not) of public debates over the matter.
Historical audits of “net zero” and related projects
The “net zero” audit, for example, would look in detail at
how those in power have treated the people they are supposed to serve over this
matter. Including, but not limited to: How and why the precautionary principle
was perverted. How unbiased the Stern review was. Why the climate change act
was allowed to go forward without any objective cost-benefit justification. Why
and how the “social cost of carbon” approach was dropped, and replaced by an
approach in which the political commitments that had been made drove the “cost”
numbers. The conduct of those involved in Climategate, and of the inquiries
which whitewashed it. The conduct of other university departments involved. Why
“strategic” projects were excluded from cost-benefit analysis altogether. And
the kicker: why did they set “climate goals” in the first place, without
consulting the people they planned to force to meet them, and without allowing
those opposed to the whole idea any chance to put forward their views?
I have no doubt that whole truth about these matters would
finally come out. If only because I would be in the perfect position to make absolutely
sure that happened! Now, what would be the result, when many millions of people
found out that the scares had been deliberately exaggerated or even fabricated?
And that the whole “climate change” alarum has been no more than a storm in a
teacup? What would happen, once people discover how badly they had been lied to
and manipulated over several decades, and the level of the bad faith with which
the alarmist side have acted all along? I think there would be hell to pay.
With that in mind, I would mandate a program which would
impose, with extreme severity, justice – objective, common-sense justice – on
the perpetrators of these wrongs. Those government officials or
government-funded contractors, that failed to behave with full honesty and
transparency towards, and in the interests of, the people they were supposed to
be serving, should be dismissed from office, required to pay their share of the
compensation to those they harmed, and suitably punished. In the process, I
expect many tens of thousands at least of government careers to be terminated,
and perhaps orders of magnitude more than this. Neither parasites nor pests
will ever be allowed back into government.
In addition, companies that have sought to pressure people
into “environmental, social and governance” practices based on false green
alarmism, will be permanently banned from operating in the territory, and all
their assets in the territory confiscated.
Furthermore, I expect that the reviews on air pollution
and interference with farming, at least, will also lead to a significant number
of dismissals and punishments. A little later, I shall give some more on how
the compensation and punishment processes might work.
Reviewing COVID policies
I would also order a full historical audit of the
government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. This could use, where
appropriate, evidence collected by the inquiry chaired by Baroness Hallett.
Where people were unjustly harmed by government actions, those responsible
would be required to compensate the victims. This would apply particularly in
cases of “contracts for cronies,” or government overreach, or suppression of
the truth, or suppression of debate, or vaccine harms to people who were forced
to take the vaccines.
The quality of the advice given by experts, including SAGE,
should also be investigated in detail. And overreaches by government – like ordering
the sacking of tens of thousands of care home workers who refused vaccination –
would be treated as the crimes they were.
I would assert the fundamental right of an adult and compos
mentis human being to refuse unwanted medical treatment, including
vaccinations. As the feminists say, your body, your choice.
I would also mandate that no-one may ever have any of their
human rights violated for reasons of “public health,” beyond being held
(comfortably) apart from others for a limited period if they are proven to
constitute an objective risk to the health of others.
On-going actions
My on-going reforms would be based around four main
themes. First, relentlessly driving down the size of government, and the scope
of what it does, at territorial, devolved and local levels. Second, bringing
the parasites and pests to justice for their crimes, and making them provide
compensation to their victims. Third, laying the foundations for the new way of
governance in the territory. And fourth, doing what I can to help move those
elsewhere in the world towards better ways of governance.
Slimming down government
I would order that, over a period of some years, every
government department, employee, contract, project, and funding stream must be reviewed.
The review would ask: Have the people, who have been made to pay for this,
received benefits commensurate with what they have paid? Are they now receiving
such a commensurate benefit? And does objective cost-benefit analysis suggest
that they will continue to receive such a benefit in the future? This would
apply to government at the national level, the devolved level, and the local level.
These reviews would, in the first instance, be aimed at
reducing or eliminating wasteful or toxic functions and individuals from
government. In the process, the reviews would identify those in government,
that have failed to do their best to deliver value to the people who paid for
them. If there has been misconduct or mistreatment, they would also identify
individuals that have behaved dishonestly towards those they were supposed to
be serving, those that have unjustly violated human rights, and those that have
behaved, or are behaving, as parasites or pests. Such individuals would be
dismissed with loss of pension, required to compensate those they drained or
wronged, and punished if appropriate.
Another aspect the reviews cover would be non-government organizations,
which have been awarded funds by government for particular projects. The
reviews would evaluate these projects from the point of view of costs versus
benefits to the people who paid for them. All funding that has failed to
produce nett benefits would be discontinued. The reviews would also look at
these organizations from the ethical point of view. Any organizations which
received funding for political activities, that were not for the benefit of the
people who paid the taxes, would be investigated, and action taken if
In this way, I would expect that government as a whole, and in
particular its most overpaid and most dishonest officials and bureaucrats,
would be slimmed down by at least an order of magnitude. Those that, while in
government, acted against the interests of the people, or failed to deliver
value to the people who paid for them, would be brought to justice. And the removal of so many parasites and pests
from government would improve the quality of government staff, and so the
quality of what it does.
Those who work in core functions of governance, such as
courts, police and the military, and in areas such as welfare, health and
education where the changes would be longer term, would initially be less
affected than those in more politicized areas. However, each individual in
government would over time be evaluated as to suitability to transfer across
into the new governance.
There would also be skills in demand in my new governance,
which were not possessed by enough people in the old government. I envisage
there being many new openings in governance for people like accountants, statisticians,
honest scientists, and evidence-based investigators. I would also expect there
to be a demand for new local magistrates, in order to free up the time of
judges for the more difficult cases. Many of these magistrates might be retired
business people, who are willing to be trained in a new career.
Honesty Audits
As part of the functions of the Ethical Audit Office, I
would implement a scheme of Honesty Audits. These audits will assess the degree
of honesty and good faith, which has been displayed by individuals in positions
of power, or paid by governance for work done. If an audit finds serious
failings, the matter can be sent to a court for review, which may result in the
dismissal of those responsible. And, if the failings are serious enough, in
their permanent exclusion from all jobs in governance.
Bringing parasites and pests to justice
But not all the parasites, and not all the pests, are part
of, or directly funded by, government. There are companies, that use dubious
business practices in order to rip off their customers. There are bankers and
other “money men,” that engage in reckless speculation and other dubious
practices, that can risk de-stabilizing the whole economy. There are Big Tech
companies, and banks too, that deny service, often seemingly arbitrarily, to
people they decide they don’t like.
There are also non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and
so-called “civil society organizations” (CSOs). These are a mixed bag. Some do
genuinely good work, while others seem like no more than propaganda mills for
bad political policies. Many of these organizations also have close connections
with the United Nations.
There would be three main prongs to my reforms in this area.
First, as I have already outlined, I would order the removal of parasites and
pests from government positions, compensation to those they wronged, and
punishment where appropriate. The general culture would be one of “politicker
pays compensation.”
Second, I would order investigations into those
organizations nominally independent of government, which have or may have
violated human rights, or used politics for their own gain or for their political
goals. Again, the politickers would be made to pay. Similar investigations
would be carried out on all super-rich individuals, to check whether or not any
of their gains have been ill-gotten, or they have used their money for
anti-human purposes.
Third, I would invite everyone in the territory to report
any injustices or violations of rights, to which they have been subjected,
either by government itself or by politically oriented third parties. These
might range, for example from, unjust denial of financial or other services, to
being singled out unjustly by bad laws such as IR35, to unjust harassment by
police, immigration or other government officials, to rip-off or unjust
harassment by companies that were acting politically.
Each individual who considers they have been harmed will be
encouraged to submit a claim for restitution from the former government and its
cronies. Many of these claims, I expect, will be for unjust acts that caused
damage, pain or inconvenience. Or for taxation or fines that were
re-distributory, confiscatory, or based on false accusations or unjust schemes.
Or for violations of rights, such as exclusion or restriction from the free
market as a result of bad laws or political favouritism. The claims will be
objectively assessed, and appropriate compensation orders made. To include
substantial damages, interest and allowance for inflation, too; and punishment
where appropriate. Moreover, those that profited from taking or re-distributing
others’ earned wealth will find themselves hoist on their own petard.
Through these three sets of programs, anyone that has used
politics for personal gain or for the gain of their cronies, or to unjustly
harm anyone, will be subjected to justice. That is, to common-sense justice; being
treated as they have treated others.
Treatment of warmongers
Among the first to be singled out for punishment would be
those that have been responsible for warlike aggressions by the political
state. Each military action that the state took part in since the 1980s would
be reviewed, and evaluated for both its intentions, and its effectiveness in
minimizing bloodshed among innocents. Such actions might include wars in, for
example: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Kosovo, Libya, Sierra Leone, Syria or
Decision makers, both military and political, responsible
for ordering any violations of the rights of innocent people that would not
otherwise have happened, will be suitably punished. This might extend to
extradition to the countries in which the violations took place, for punishment
according to local justice systems. These punishments will be over and above
those resulting from these individuals’ behaviours as parasites or pests
towards the people they were supposed to be serving.
The Great Restitution
The Great Restitution is the name I give to the program of reparations
for political crimes. It will assess the compensation payments owed to each
individual who has been harmed by political parasites or pests. It will
apportion the payments owed by each perpetrator, whether parasite, pest or
both. This process will also identify what, if any, criminal punishments are
appropriate for each of the perpetrators. Account will be taken of mitigating
circumstances, such as where an individual has also stood up staunchly and
honestly for the rights of ordinary people in other spheres. The program will
take in the compensation payments from the perpetrators, and route them to the victims
in appropriate proportions.
The Great Restitution will look well beyond politicians and
government employees as potential perpetrators. Company bosses (and key
employees) that violated people’s rights, or took subsidies, lobbied for
advantages or otherwise used politics to enrich themselves. Pressure groups
that lobbied for bad laws. Media that lied or hyped. All these, too, will be
assessed for the damages they caused to innocent people. Moreover, the Great
Restitution will provide those, that have created or spread moral panics and
false scares, with a real reason to be scared. That is, their share of the bill
for compensation to the victims of the bad policies their panics and scares
Where the violators are companies, company assets in the
territory may be confiscated if appropriate. Companies such as domestic banks,
whose closure would cause hardship to innocent people, would be nationalized, the
responsible managers harshly punished, and honest managements put in to save
and re-structure them. The wrongdoers, individual or corporate, would have to
sell assets to pay off their share of the debt.
The Great Restitution would be, in essence, an enormous “loss
and damage fund,” with its management funded by a proportion of the
restitution. And in view of how long the process would be likely to take, I
expect older victims would get priority over younger ones.
Parasite pens
Not all of the parasites, that have lived by draining
innocent people, will have sufficient assets to be able to pay the compensation
they owe. My governance would have powers to confiscate and sell their assets
for the purpose of reparation to their victims. This could include homes, cars,
bank accounts, financial instruments such as shares, and anything else. Individuals,
who have acted as parasites but have not been pests, and are unable to meet
their reparation debts, would be required to move into what I will name
“parasite pens.”
In these pens, the individuals would have the opportunity to
work off their debts, while subsisting at a rock-bottom standard of living.
They would be, in a sense, successors to the Victorian workhouses. I envisage
that most of the pens would house a few hundred people only; although a few
might be considerably larger. Many of the pens, I expect, could be sited on
royal owned land, that already has buildings on it.
Spouses, who do not themselves have outstanding reparations
to pay, would be allowed the option to move to the pen or not. Dependent
children would either be adopted or fostered by family or volunteers, or if
that was not possible, raised in children’s homes. The costs for the housing
and upkeep of the children would be added to the parasite’s debt to be worked
Parasite pens would not be prisons as such. I expect they
would have a nightly curfew, but during the day the inhabitants would be
allowed to leave the pen for the purposes of work or trade. They would be made
to wear prison-style uniforms, both inside and outside the pen.
Once an individual’s reparation debt is worked off, they would
be allowed to leave the pen, and return to the free market.
Some may think these punishments over the top, for
individuals that only did what was accepted by many people at the time as
normal. But, putting on my ethical philosopher hat for a few moments, I will
disagree. I take the view that the innocent should never suffer for the sake of
the guilty. The victims of political parasites, having themselves done nothing
wrong, have nothing to be forgiven for. And therefore, they have no reason to
forgive, or to feel any compassion or concern for, those that drained them.
If a parasite dies before the debt is completely repaid, at
one level this is a tragedy. For it means that the victims will never get full
compensation for what was done to them. But at another level, we have won
second prize: a dead parasite won’t be able to rob anyone ever again. So, the
death of a political parasite reduces both the number of parasites on humanity,
and the quantity of politics in the world. It is, thus, a good thing for human
Pest pits
Pests would have to pay reparations to their victims,
in the same way as parasites. Pests include those that have promoted, actively
supported, made or enforced political policies to damage the lives of innocent
people; as well as those that have deliberately set out to control, to violate
the rights of, or to persecute innocent people. Beyond paying reparations, each
pest will be required to move into an enclave, which I will dub a “pest pit.”
This will be somewhat like a parasite pen, but a far more unpleasant
experience. And pit inmates would be made to wear extremely conspicuous prison-style
uniforms, all the time.
I envisage that pest pits will usually be larger than
parasite pens, since the inmates of each will have to show that their
collective lifestyle is economically sustainable without outside help. I
envisage that many pits would be on royal owned land, but usually in a rural
area not already built up. Thus, the pests would have to start by building a community
for themselves.
Each pest pit would have a trade area, in which the inmates
can show wares they wish to sell, and visitors may purchase these wares. Pests
will be allowed to sell services only if those services can be delivered from
inside the pit (for example, over an on-line connection).
Pests would be confined to their pit until the whole pit, as
a collective, has achieved economic sustainability without outside aid, and all
inhabitants have paid off their reparation debt. Once this is achieved (if
ever), the inmates would be free to leave if they wish.
The punishments meted out to the inmates in a particular pest
pit would, in the famous phrase, fit the crimes. Each pit would provide a
combination of suitable punishments. Common-sense justice is a hard taskmaster!
For example, some may require the inmates to live a “net zero” lifestyle.
Others may prohibit the use of modern fertilizers. Others may ban cars. Others
may prohibit fossil fuels, and products made using them, altogether.
Those, that wanted to force others to live net zero, will
have to practise what they preach, and damn well live net zero themselves. Those
that wanted to take away our modern fertilizers from us, will damn well have to
live without them. We shall see whether or not policies made in the name of
“sustainability” would have been sustainable! Moreover, if these policies could
not have been sustainable without technological progress that simply was never
going to happen fast enough, the results will be gory. As I’ve said before,
what happens in that event will both prove the pests wrong, and serve them
Beyond all this, some pest pits may be panopticons, allowing
no privacy. Some may allow no freedom of speech whatsoever. Some may
disadvantage their inmates with burdensome rules on what they may do economically.
And all are likely to enforce strict regimentation in every aspect of life.
Again, some may think these punishments over-harsh. But
those that behave as pests, however much they may look like human beings, are not
us. To use politics to damage the lives of innocent people is not something
that any human being worth the name would ever do. So, those that have done
such things are not human. They are vermin.
And we mustn’t let even one of them get away with anything. Unless
and until the pests have fully compensated their victims, and taken the full
punishment that is due to them, we human beings should not feel or show any
more compassion or concern for them than they have shown for us. You might as
well expect Jews to feel compassion or concern for nazis!
From the point of view of human beings, the death of a pest means
one less pest. And that is a boon to humanity. For that pest will never again be able
to rob anyone, or to promote, support, make or enforce any bad political policy,
or to commit or support any violation of anyone’s human rights or freedoms.
The prospect of ignominious, unpleasant death for many pests,
and particularly for those that pushed the green agendas, accords with history,
too. For those that promoted, actively supported, made or enforced bad
political agendas have committed treason against human civilization, and
against the human race. And the traditional penalty for treason is death.
Laying the foundations for the new way
Another prong of my work would be to build the foundations
for the new way of governance.
I would set up a special commission, to review in detail
ideas of human rights from the past and the present, and produce a new,
comprehensive Bill of Human Rights for all human beings worth the name. This
would be back-to-backed by a list of obligations, following which will bring
about an environment in which all these human rights are properly respected.
This would form the basis of a first draft of the Convivial Code. I would take
a strong personal interest in this process, and would chair the commission
I would have the results disseminated, and encourage public
debate on the matters. The commission would review and take account of all
constructive comments received. The result would be an initial issue of the
Convivial Code, ready to “go live.” Other aspects to be hammered out would
include the procedures for determining when a change is necessary to the Code,
for specifying the changes, and for introducing a new version of the Code.
I would also encourage the construction of prototypes, in
which groups of volunteers can try out the new way of governance. I envisage this
happening, at first, on the neighbourhood scale. These might be based on my
ideas from the third essay for the “neighbourhood of just governance”, as
expanded and re-worked (if necessary) with my advisors and with the commission.
It is conceivable that even some of the more successful parasite pens might be
willing to try out the new way at this level. There will be many opportunities
to review progress, and to find out what works well and what less so.
As a second phase, I expect that larger communities would be
formed, comprising these new kinds of neighbourhoods. These might be existing
towns or parts of towns, where enough people are willing to take part in the
experiment. Or some of them might be new build, somewhat like the “new towns”
of the 1940s to 1960s. These would serve as prototypes for the communities,
which I envisage as the primary units of governance in the new way. Again,
progress will be reviewed, good ideas maintained and strengthened, and bad ones
In parallel with this, I would begin to organize the core
functions of governance – such as courts, police and military defence – into
structures compatible with the distributed, networked system of just governance
for which we will be aiming. These would include the functions which
co-ordinate with other governances, for example on infrastructure development
(which would include energy policies). I’d also try out different methods of
raising the money required to support the functions of governance, as long as
all are just.
I would also set in motion the moving of control over
welfare, health care, education and other non-core functions, that have been controlled
by the state, to the people who actually deliver the services. In this process,
I would expect to see tried out many different business structures, both old
and new, to facilitate providing these services.
Spreading the new way
I would make efforts to persuade people in other parts of
the world that reforms like mine would be beneficial to them as well. I and my
advisors would be happy to show leaders and advisors from other countries
around, and to answer their questions. I would also encourage inbound tourism,
in the hope that many people will experience and appreciate how much better our
new way of governance is than the old ways – even while it is not yet fully
Dismantling the state
At some point, it will become plain that the new way of
governance has been tried and tested enough, that we can dismantle the shell of
the old. It is hard to know just how long this might take. But based on the closest
past example I know of, the West German Wirtschaftswunder of the late
1940s and 1950s, I would hope it should be achievable inside 15 to 20 years.
So: How to dismantle the state? That one’s easy. An absolute
monarch can do absolutely anything he likes with his realm, as long as the ordinary
people will let him get away with it. And in the situation I envisage, those
people would be clamouring for me to do it sooner rather than later! So, I
expect I’d simply declare the state to be “abolished, together with all its
laws.” I wouldn’t need to abdicate, since the monarchy itself would have ceased
to exist at that moment. I could retire. At last.
Gone would be the state called the “United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland.” Gone, within the territory, would be the idea of
“sovereignty,” and the ruling classes that used it against the ordinary people.
Gone would be politics, political government and political parties. Gone would
be the systems that enabled psychopaths to get government power. Gone would be
all moral privileges for state functionaries over others, and everyone
would now be accountable for their voluntary actions; most of all, those in
governance. Gone would be all bad or arbitrary “laws.” Gone would be exceptions
and exemptions for favourites. Gone would be unrequited taxation. Gone would be
barriers to trade, such as tariffs. Gone would be all warlike activity, that is
not defensive or retaliatory. And the only former parasites or pests who
remained would be those who had managed to reform themselves, to learn to behave
as human beings, and to fully compensate those they wronged.
The “law of the land” would be the Convivial Code, an
ethical code based on ethical equality, honesty and respect for human rights.
And government will have been replaced by a system which is more or less like
my “just governance” proposals, built on the foundations which the prototype
communities had found to be most workable. It will be bottom-up and
de-centralized. And, being based on the principles of voluntary society and
common-sense justice, it will uphold human rights, while allowing maximum
freedom for all, consistent with living in a civilized community.
The authority of this governance will come, first, from the
common-sense nature of its principles. Second, from its objectivity,
impartiality, honesty and good faith. And third, from its emphasis on
common-sense justice. Thanks to the Ethical Audit Office, there will be strict
quality control on everything it does.
In terms of implementation in the former UK, I expect we
would start with four “Alliances for Just Governance,” each of which contains
many communities. One Alliance in England, one in Wales, one in Scotland, one in
Northern Ireland. The four would continue to share a common currency. The
former state’s assets would be divided among the communities, apportioned
according to a fair formula. And an individual’s payment for governance in a
given year would be, as near as possible, in direct proportion to the
individual’s wealth.
Borders would be retained at the boundaries of the territory,
for as long as there are potentially hostile political states left in the
world. But incoming migration and settlement would be controlled entirely at
the neighbourhood level. It would be for local people to decide who they want
to admit to live in their particular area.
Wider still and wider…
I like to think that, even during the transition period,
there will be pressures in other countries for them to try a new way of
governance, more or less like mine. The pressures will mount, until even the
most stable among oppressive régimes
will be in danger of being toppled by popular revolt of one kind or another.
Some countries will go to the new way, and end all political
oppression, faster than others. But I expect that most, if not all, will get
there in the end. Federal countries like the USA will, probably, lose their
cohesion through secession state by state, each state going its own way at its
own pace. If the EU is still in existence by then (unlikely), individual
European countries will leave it, one by one, each to move in their own
Probably the last hold-outs of the political state will be
small countries, like Liechtenstein and Brunei, which are already monarchies.
In such places, the monarch may feel that he can achieve the changes his people
demand, without having to give up his titular power; Perhaps he might achieve
this by making himself into a purely ceremonial ruler.
Key centres for the globalists, such as the USA (New York in
particular) and Switzerland, will also move to the new way. I expect that the
globalist and internationalist organizations, that had plotted their global
power-grab, will be outlawed and dismantled by those in charge of the new governances
in those places. International political organizations will also haemorrhage
members, as the people in countries round the world see the benefits of moving
towards the new way, and set in motion their progress towards it.
Multi-national companies, that have co-operated in the
globalist schemes, will likely find themselves dismantled bit by bit, as the
new governance in each country they operate in investigates them, and closes
them down in their territory if that is warranted.
By some time into these processes – I cannot predict just
how long – sufficiently many countries will have gone to the new way, that war will
have become all but impossible.
Then shall we be able to open the borders between the
different former states. Then shall we be able to abolish standing militaries,
replacing them by volunteer militias, alert for any disasters or other
emergencies that might arise. Then shall we be able to get rid of the missiles.
Then shall humanity world-wide be free from war and oppression at last.
And, with the parasites and pests having been purged from
every land, fixing poverty among human beings will become easy. Let’s use our natural
creativity, and let’s trade freely with our fellows, to bring prosperity,
happiness and fulfilment to every human being worth the name. Let’s take
control of our planet, as is our nature. And let’s race away into a peaceful,
free, dynamic, prosperous, truly sustainable future.
Building the desire for sea-change
All this may be fine and dandy. But we still face a basic
problem: How can we get into a position even to start on curing the ills we
suffer today? To do that, we must rouse ordinary people to action. Ultimately,
very many ordinary people.
There are several components to this process. First, I
think, we – the human beings who are already aware of, and thinking about how
to fix, these issues – need to put our situation today into its context. We
need to understand the war we’re in. Second, we need to formulate a reasonably
clear picture of where we want to get to, and the help we will need from
others. A picture, which we can communicate to potential allies. Third, we need
to identify the kind of mind-set, which we will require in order to get done
what we need to do. Fourth, we need to identify how best to spread this
mind-set to as many people as we can.
Comparisons with the Renaissance
I am struck by parallels between the situation we face
today and the conditions under which the Renaissance was seeded. Like the
Catholic church and the Machiavellian political forces of that time, our
enemies want to deny us the rights to think and to act for ourselves. They do
not tolerate skepticism, inquiry or criticism. And they want to confine our
minds inside narrow shackles of orthodoxy and political correctness. Our lives
are being invaded, too, by external and hostile interests, such as corporate
parasites and globalist and green activists; not, perhaps, unlike the Ottoman
invaders of Renaissance times.
And yet, the Renaissance eventually produced a sea-change in
human thought. Not only did it re-discover and revive the ancient learning from
Greece and Rome. But it also brought about change for the better in many
aspects of human life in Europe. People began to emerge from the mind-numbing
tyranny of the church and from the top-down feudal political system. They felt
renewed confidence in their own faculties. And they felt a new sense of freedom
for the human spirit, that had been for so long suppressed by orthodoxy.
Today’s establishment, of course, go even further than their
Renaissance precursors did. Far from making our planet a fit place for
civilized humans to live and thrive, they want to force us to drastically cut,
or even halt, our use of the Earth’s resources. And they don’t want any change
at all in the climate! Or in the political system, that enables them and their
ilk to oppress us human beings.
Could we human beings, just perhaps, be due, or even
overdue, for an updated version of the Renaissance? Could what we are going
through today perhaps be, like the early stages of the Renaissance in the 15th
century, a prelude to a better world?
The war we’re in
I will say here something about the war, in which we find
ourselves embroiled today. It is, in essence, a war between Franz Oppenheimer’s
political means and economic means. On one side, we have the users of the economic
means, we human beings. On the other, the parasites and pests, the users of the
political means, that aggressively rob us and screw up our lives.
This war is an existential struggle for, if I may use a
religious word, the soul of humanity. At a philosophical level, the crux of the
matter may be put as: Are we as a species an “economic animal?” Or are we, as
Aristotle would have had us believe, a “political animal?”
My answer to this question is that, right now, neither of
these answers is correct. For, over thousands of years, the human species has
diverged into two opposite tendencies: one political, one economic. The
political structures, which have been in place during those times, have persistently
allowed the politicals an unfair advantage. But those structures are nearing,
indeed many of them have already reached or passed, their last-use-by date.
The time is ripe, I think, not for revolution, but for
evolution. For far too long, the political animals have used their unfair
advantages to rule over and to drain us economic animals. It is time we human
beings worth the name got up and simply said: “No!”
We must fight for humanity, for reality and rationality, for
our rights and freedoms, for justice. We human beings must join together in
resisting the parasites and pests. And when we have fought off their
aggressions and forced them on the back foot, we must strike back at them with
all the might we can muster.
Thus shall the economic species, we human beings worth the
name, be seen for what we are: the legitimate heirs to our planet Earth. And thus
shall the politicals, the parasites and pests, be consigned to the scrap-heap
of history where they belong. Nature, so a wise man calling himself Jason
Alexander wrote, extinguishes its mistakes.
The Re-discovery
The paradigm of the Renaissance was Discovery. Discovery of
ideas old and new, of new places, of ourselves. The paradigm for what we must
do today, I think, must be Re-discovery. We need to re-discover ourselves. As
Aristotle put it: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” As was the
case with the Renaissance, we need to undergo a spiritual revolution: a
change for the better in the human spirit. Then, we can take things from there.
We need to re-discover our Humanity, our nature as human
beings. We need to re-discover that this is our planet. We need to
re-discover that we are the most developed species on our planet. We need to
re-discover that it is in our nature to build civilizations. We need to
re-discover that it is in our nature to take control over our surroundings. We
need to re-discover our mission to make our planet into a comfortable,
peaceful, home and garden for humanity.
We need to re-discover our Reason and our rationality. We
need to re-discover our “bullshit meters,” which enable us to reject media and
political lies, hype and unfounded scares. We need to re-discover our
objectivity. In our rational thinking, we need to focus on the facts, the full
facts, and nothing but the facts. And we need to re-discover how to build up as
accurate a picture of reality as we possibly can.
We need to re-discover our human spirit, just as our
forebears discovered it at the Renaissance. We need to re-discover our
confidence in ourselves. We need to re-discover that each human being is, in
the words of Victorian scholar John Addington Symonds: “a rational, volitional
and sentient being, born upon this earth with a right to use it and enjoy it.”
We need to re-discover that we are a part of nature, and not in any way foreign
to it as our enemies would have us believe. And that, as long as we live
according to our nature, then we are playing our full part in wider
We need to re-discover our consciences. We need to
re-discover the built-in weather-vane or barometer, that gives us a sense of
what are right and wrong actions for us human beings to do. We need to
re-discover the natural law of humanity, which must guide us in all our
actions. We need to re-discover our zeal to establish this law, which is
natural to us, as the basis for future human civilizations. We need to
re-discover our honesty and our integrity.
We need to re-discover, and re-illuminate, the crucial idea
of human rights. We need to re-discover that we are not merely social animals,
but that each of us is an individual as well. We need to re-discover that
others are individuals too, and that as long as they are tolerant towards us,
we should be tolerant towards them. But those that are intolerant towards us,
or harm or seek to harm us, deserve no better from us than they have behaved
towards us.
We need to re-discover the ideas and values of the
Enlightenment. We need to re-discover that governance must be for the benefit
of the governed – every single one among the governed, real criminals excepted.
We need to re-discover that governance must have the consent of the governed,
in order to have any legitimacy. We need to re-discover that a “government”
which acts other than for the benefit of the governed, or one that does not
retain the consent of the governed – all the governed – has lost its legitimacy.
We need to re-discover the values of the Industrial
Revolution. We need to re-discover our natural industry and productivity. We need
to re-discover our ability to solve problems. We need to re-discover honest
business and trade for what they are: the natural ways for human beings to
relate to each other in the public sphere. And we need to re-discover that
excellence and good service are to be commended, not pooh-poohed.
We need to re-discover the virtues of thinking and doing in
a bottom-up way, not a top-down one. We need to contrast bottom-up thinking
based on humanity, reality, facts, and right and wrong conduct, against top-down
thinking based on agendas, politics, bad “laws” and political narratives. We
need to be able to tell the difference between human beings and politicals. We
need to understand the differences between us and them.
We need to reject the political state and its “sovereignty.”
We need to reject the implied social contract, used to try to make out that we
are subject to a political government. We need to reject those in government,
that fail to serve the people they are supposed to be a benefit to, or that act
with dishonesty or in bad faith towards any of us. We need to identify as
individuals the political parasites and pests, that have been responsible for
all our troubles. And we need to start treating them for what they are: criminals
and enemies of humanity.
What we want for ourselves
To try to give a brief list of what we want from our new
We want the human rights of every human being worth the name
to be respected and upheld. That is, the rights and freedoms of all those who
respect others’ equal rights and freedoms.
We want self-determination and independence for everyone. Both
personally as individuals, and for the voluntary societies we choose to join.
We want an end to oppression and exploitation. We want an
end to war. We want an end to the culture of over-safety. We want an end to all
violations of the rights or freedoms of the innocent.
We want no restrictions on the economic free market. We want
maximum freedom to choose and to act as we please, consistent with living in a
civilized community.
And we want objective, common-sense justice for all.
Do you want some, or all, of the same things?
What we want from our allies
Here is a brief list of what we want from those, whom
we seek to persuade to join our cause, and to help us set about building our
new world.
We want people to stop behaving like pawns. We want them to
stop voting for the “lesser of two evils” (or more than two). We want them to
reject the mainstream political parties – all those parties. We want
them to reject politics, as it is practiced today, altogether.
We want people to focus on the facts in any matter. We want
them to reject lies, hype, unfounded scares, and narratives that are not
grounded in reality.
We want people to judge others, not on the basis of who they
are, but by how they behave. We want them to tune in to the part of their
minds, that tells them what is right and what wrong for human beings to do. We
want them to seek, with all their might, to become economically productive, and
as self-sufficient as they can be.
We want those capable of leadership to do what they can to
lead others in the right directions; not by commands or by clever stratagems,
but by example.
We want people to reject arrogance, dishonesty, hypocrisy and
all the other psychopathic behaviours, that our enemies have displayed towards us.
We need them to help us raise a tidal wave of anger, hatred and contempt
against the parasites and pests that have robbed us, oppressed us and violated
our human rights and freedoms. And we need them to help us get those parasites
and pests off all our backs.
The new mind-set
There is beginning, I think, a change in the mind-set of
human beings. Indeed, the new mind-set is starting to take root among the many
people who are dissatisfied with politics today. Already, two of its visible
results are a new, and greatly strengthened, pushback by ordinary people
against government overreach, and a new determination to fight hard for our
human rights and freedoms.
I myself am among those at the forefront of this change, for
at least three reasons. First, because my upbringing as an only child, and my unusual
education, combined to make me robustly individualistic and skeptical of
“authority.” Second, my training as a mathematician has made me strongly
objective, so I always demand proof in any contentious matter. And third, I have
been, initially without knowing it, working towards this new mind-set for more
than half a century. And I have been explicitly working towards it for more
than 20 years now.
Based on my own experiences, I will say here how I expect
the new mind-set will likely feel, to those people who find themselves moving
towards it. That is why I have written the following sub-sections in the second
Your view of yourself
You will come to recognize that you are a human being. You
are a member of the most advanced species living on planet Earth today. You
have a nature, which you share with all other human beings worth the name. And,
while you are not perfect – no-one is! – you are naturally good. You will come
to feel more and more confidence in yourself, and you will never again let
yourself feel ashamed of what you are.
Your nature leads you to use your reason to seek knowledge.
It leads you to strive to behave in a convivial and civilized manner. It leads
you to associate and to trade with others for mutual benefit. And it leads you
to seek to take control of your surroundings, and to make them into a better
place to live, both for yourself and for other human beings.
You are an individual. You have your own body and your own
mind. You reserve always the right to make your own judgements, and to act
according to them. You are also, by your nature, economically productive and
independent. And it is wrong and unjust for anyone to put any obstacles in the
way of your productivity or your independence.
You are willing to enter into and carry out voluntary agreements
with others for mutual benefit. And you will join with others into societies,
when and where you share their aims, and you and they benefit from doing so.
But so long as you behave as a convivial human being, you do not accept that
any collective, any individual or organization, or any government may unjustly
usurp your rights to judge and to act as you see fit.
Your way of thinking
In your thinking, you demand, and seek to determine, the
facts and the truth in any matter you address. For in a situation of dispute,
whenever there is disagreement about the facts, there can never be any
constructive way forward.
You use your faculties of perception, conception, logic,
reason and objectivity as best you can. You are skeptical, and always on the
look-out for lies, half-truths, bullshit or obfuscations. For these, along with
suppression of dissenting points of view, are our enemies’ stocks-in-trade. And
you always demand hard, verifiable evidence, rather than hearsay or other
people’s narratives.
You trust your reason as a way of finding out the truth in
any matter. And you reject woolly thinking, such as the favouring of fuzzy post-normal
ideas like “quality” over objectivity.
You take responsibility for the reasonably foreseeable
effects on others of your willed actions. But you accept no guilt or shame for
anything, without both objective evidence of real wrongdoing, and your guilt
being proved beyond reasonable doubt.
You do not accept any guilt for your earned successes. Nor
do you accept guilt for wanting to earn good things for yourself to enjoy, or
for favouring those who can and do deliver things you want over those that fail
to deliver. You do not accept any guilt for doing or saying things that do not harm,
and are not intended to harm, any human being. Nor do you accept nasty labels
like “selfish,” “far right” or “denier,” slapped on you by those that want to
shame you into political correctness.
Moreover, you accept no responsibility for what others do,
unless you have agreed to take on such a responsibility. Common examples of
this take-on of responsibility are if you choose to have a child, or if you
take on a people-management role in a business. Furthermore, you do not accept
any kind of communal guilt for anything.
Your view of others
You are an individual; but you recognize that others are
individuals, too. You recognize that each of us is different, and has a
different combination of strengths and weaknesses.
You come to use the judgement by behaviour principle. That
is, you judge others not by surface characteristics such as race, received
religion or social class, but by their actions. And, where appropriate, by what
you can infer about their motivations.
You know that you have human rights, which arise from the
nature of human beings to treat each other in a convivial and civilized manner.
You also know that you must earn these rights, by respecting the equal rights
of those who in their turn respect yours.
In your conduct towards your fellow human beings, you strive
always to behave up to human standards. You strive to be peaceful, truthful,
honest, just, tolerant of difference, and respectful of the rights and freedoms
of those who respect your equal rights and freedoms. You strive to live and let
live. You strive to deal with integrity, and always in good faith. And you
refrain from interfering in other people’s business without a good and
objective reason.
You care, very much, about your fellow human beings. These
are the people, who will make up what I call the convivial community. But to
qualify as your fellow human beings, they must measure up to two sets of
standards. First, they must be human beings worth the name; they must strive to
behave convivially towards other convivial people, just as you do. And second,
they must be your fellows. They must not promote, support, make or enforce any
political policy, or carry out any other voluntary act, that unjustly harms
you, impoverishes you, inconveniences you, or violates any of your rights or
But those that fail even to try to be peaceful and honest,
or to respect your or others’ rights, you come to regard as criminals and
worse. You feel no sense of “we” with them. Those that have failed to measure
up to human standards, or have done bad things to you, obviously haven’t cared
about you. So why should you care about them?
Your view of the state
You come to understand what the political state, as it
exists today, actually is. You come to understand that its current incarnation
was devised in the 16th century to increase the power of the French
kings. That it is a top-down system, based on extreme inequality between a
“sovereign” and his “subjects.” That by its nature it has built into it:
arrogance, bad laws, cronyism, wars, unbridled taxation, irresponsibility, lack
of accountability, and much more. You come to see that the state is now
centuries past its last-use-by-date. You understand that it has to go.
You come to feel contempt for all states, and in
particular for the one commonly dubbed “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.” You come to reject its claims of moral privilege. You come
to reject its aggressions and its wars. You come to reject its politics. You
come to reject its bad laws. You reject its lies and dishonesties, and its
collectivist and control-freak propaganda. You reject its rapacious, unjust
taxation and fines. And you reject its debt. No part of that debt, whatsoever,
is your debt.
Your views on politics and politicals
You can still retain respect for the culture you have
inherited. If you are English, for example, you can approve of the English
breakfast, English cricket, the English language, and the English common law
(before it got corrupted by politics). Though you will, of course, be well
aware that English culture has deteriorated very badly over the last 40 years
or so. You can also still feel an attachment to the land and the people of your
particular part of England.
But you come to start thinking outside the political
paradigm. You come to feel no respect at all for any kind of political
“society,” or for the idea that there is some kind of political community
coterminous with the state, or for political government. Indeed, you come to
have contempt for politics, for all the mainstream political parties, and for
almost all politicians. Instead of feeling part of some political community,
you come instead to feel yourself as part of the convivial community. That is, the
community of all those who choose to behave up to the standards which are
natural for human beings.
You come to reject political operators of all kinds. You
come to see that politicals, in contrast to human beings, are naturally bad.
You come to see them as what they are: parasites, pests or both. And if they
are violent, dishonest, interfering, lying or hypocritical, or if they show
psychopathic tendencies such as arrogance, bad faith, corruption, deceit,
recklessness towards others, or untrustworthiness, you feel contempt and
loathing for them. They are neither your fellows, nor human beings. You will
not excuse or forgive them for what they have done to you or others, unless and
until they have fully compensated all their victims, including you. You may
even come to think: The way to fix our problems is to get rid of politics. And
the way to get rid of politics is to get rid of the politicals.
You come to reject all the mainstream political parties:
Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, Greens. You vow never to vote for any of them again.
You come to have contempt for politicians that claim to serve and to “represent”
ordinary people, but do no such things.
You come to feel contempt for those that use or have used
politics to enrich themselves or their cronies, or to violate people’s rights,
or to try to impose their agendas on others. You come to feel contempt for
those that use tax money for any purpose that fails to benefit the individuals who
paid those taxes. You come to feel contempt for the cronies, whether
bureaucrat, corporate, academic or otherwise, that hang on to the coat-tails of
the politicians, or profit from their agendas.
You come to feel even more contempt for supranational
political organizations, such as the European Union and the United Nations. And
globalist non-government organizations, such as the World Economic Forum and
World Business Council for Sustainable Development. For they have sought to
destroy human civilization and human freedom, and to replace it by a top-down
tyranny, with themselves at the top.
You come to feel contempt for those that bandy around scares
and hype, without providing any evidence that the problem they trumpet is
objectively real. You come to feel contempt for anyone that promotes political
correctness, or takes part in virtue signalling.
You come to feel strong contempt for anyone that has
promoted, supported, made or enforced any “law” that has unjustly harmed or
inconvenienced you, or any other innocent person. Or that has violated your
rights or freedoms, or the rights or freedoms of other innocent people. You
come to think, with Edmund Burke, that bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
And so, that bad laws should not be obeyed.
Not only do you come to feel contempt for all these
individuals and organizations. But you come also to feel a very strong contempt
for the psychological traits they often display. Such as: Glibness and surface
charm. Arrogance. Lies, deceit or dishonesty. Hypocrisy, failing to practice
what they preach. Lack of empathy. Failure to accept responsibility for the
consequences of their actions. Lack of remorse. Recklessness. Impatience. Untrustworthiness.
These characteristics, you come to understand, are many of the typical
behaviours of psychopaths.
Your views on government and the “social contract”
As long as you behave in a convivial manner, respect the
equal rights of others, and do not unjustly harm or intend to harm anyone, you are
innocent of all wrongdoing. You ought not, therefore, to accept that government
has any right at all unjustly to harm you, to impoverish you, to inconvenience
you or to violate your rights in any way. Nor does it have any valid authority
to impose any political agenda on you. If a government is not a nett benefit to
the governed – to all the governed, real criminals excepted – then it is
not legitimate.
You also appreciate that you have not signed, or otherwise
consented to, any “social contract” that would make you subject to any such
government. And even if you had, you have the right to withdraw your consent at
any time, if you have a good and provable reason to do so.
Moreover, you come to recognize that, if you did not vote
for a party in an election, then you did not give it any licence to make laws
to bind you, or taxes to impoverish you.
Your views on the war we’re in
In time, you will come, as I have, to understand that the
current political system has failed. It has reached the end of its road.
You will come to understand that governments have lost all
legitimacy. They have been taken over by parasites and pests, the very
criminals that government is supposed to be instituted to defend us against.
These parasites and pests have no respect for the rule of law, or for equality
before the law. And they are cynically trashing our rights and freedoms.
You will come to understand that the sham called democracy,
far from allowing us all a fair say, has become a negative and divisive force.
And that the great majority of politicians, national and local, make no attempt
at all to represent us human beings or our views.
You will come to see the corporate, globalist and
internationalist élites for the wannabe dictators they are. You will come to understand
that they want to ride roughshod over the people of the world, in order to force
on us all their own selfish, tyrannical vision of how the world should be.
You will come to understand that now is the time for us
human beings worth the name to get up and say “No!” It is time to join together
to defend our humanity, our reason, our rights and our freedoms. It is time to join
together in first resisting the parasites and pests, then deposing them, then bringing
them to justice.
You will come to understand that these problems cannot be
fixed by tweaks, or by merely putting new hands in charge. What is needed is
far more radical; the total demolition of the current governmental system, the political
state, and its replacement by something better.
You will come to understand the nature of the war we’re in.
It is a war between two species, both sprung out of the human race, that have
diverged away from each other. On the one hand, an economic species, us human
beings; on the other, a political species, the parasites and pests. You may
even come to compare this war with the long-ago struggles between homo
sapiens and the Neanderthals. But this time round, the differences between us
and them are not things like stockier physiques or prognathous jaws. The
differences are mental. And the area of thought, in which our enemies lack most
when compared to us, is ethics and morality. So much so, that I have taken to
dubbing our enemies “moral Neanderthals.”
Our enemies’ state of mind
I am coming to see that what we are suffering today has many
of the characteristics of what is known as a moral panic. Our enemies, the
political parasites and pests, are the instigators and spreaders of this moral
panic. And we human beings, who want nothing more than freedom, justice, our
human rights and our chance to earn prosperity, are the innocent victims.
I am coming to think that the lies, hype, fear and ad
hominems our enemies spout may be more than just propaganda tools. I think our enemies may be genuinely afraid
of something. Deep down inside, do they perhaps feel panic and fear for their
own futures? Might they have divined, for example, that the political system,
on which their entire privileged, parasitic way of life depends, is not
sustainable? That the state is, ethically, already bankrupt; and perilously
close to financial bankruptcy, too? And that, on its present course, it will
soon fail?
Such a sense of imminent bankruptcy could very easily
explain why so much that political governments do today is directed towards
getting in more, more, and more “revenue” for their state. Such a sense of
panic and fear might also help explain why they rant so much about “safety” and
“sustainability,” why they think their scares are “existential” problems, and
why they keep on stridently crying, “It’s worse than we thought!” And it could
help explain why, every time people lose interest in one set of scares, our
enemies dream up new scares to replace them. If it isn’t air pollution, it’s
global warming or plastic waste. If it isn’t Reds under the bed, it’s
terrorism. If it isn’t paedophiles, it’s pornography. If it isn’t obesity, it’s
COVID. If it isn’t over-population, it’s “habitat destruction.” (And yet, they
want to destroy our habitat! – the rights, freedoms and justice that we
need in order to fulfil ourselves.)
Such a
phobia could also explain why they refuse to acknowledge, or even to look at,
the facts. They don’t want anyone (least of all themselves) to find out that
their apocalyptic claims are unfounded! It could explain why they like to
“adjust” data, or even fake the “facts,” to fit their narrative. It could also
explain why they are never prepared to debate publicly and openly on the issues,
and why they fail to produce hard, objective evidence to prove their
accusations. It could explain why they brook no contrarian views, and will
often seek to suppress those views, for example by forcing their removal from
YouTube or social media. Even though, as they ought to know, such suppressive
actions merely make it plain that they cannot refute those views. Could it be,
perhaps, that they have so much invested in their scams, that they feel they
can’t afford to let the truth come out?
I wonder, also, if this phobia might help to explain their
hatred of earned economic success. Their hatred of business actors, interacting
with honesty and integrity in the free market, seems to run very, very deep. So
much so, that I wonder if they are worried that they themselves, in a system
where they cannot use political pull to procure unearned riches, might be
unable to survive?
Such a sense of panic and fear could also account for their
desire to suppress our freedom of speech, and truths that are inconvenient to
them. And for why they seem to want to lock us down into stasis in as many ways
as they can, including physically. It could also help to account for their mad,
breathless rush to get their plans implemented right now. Oh, and why is
extinction one of the things they are so worried about?
What we must not try to do
I come, at long last, to the strategic coda of my five
essays. But before I look at what we human beings who love individual freedom,
justice and earned prosperity might do to start things moving towards a fix to
the problems we suffer today, I will briefly mention two things we must not
Firstly, violent revolution is not an option. To try to use initiatory
violence would be a tactical error; for our enemies are far better at violence
than we are. As well as having weapons we don’t, and manpower trained in their
use. It would also be a strategic error; for it would risk losing the moral
high ground.
Non-violent and non-disruptive protests, of course, are
fine. But do you wonder why the UK government has been making draconian
anti-protest laws recently? [[12]].
This looks, to me, like another area in which our enemies have let their minds
get spooked. Clearly, they know that what they are doing to us is painful for
us, and they expect us to protest about it. So, the cowards are aiming to block
off that possibility, by making it hard for us to protest.
Secondly, to form a political party, and seek power through
the ballot box, would be to commit another strategic error. It’s trying to play
the enemy at his own game; a game natural to him, but not to us. Even if,
through some freak occurrence, a new and radical party did manage to get some
power, it would likely be swiftly taken over by establishment supporters, and
wrecked. (There is a precedent for this: the Movimiento Libertario in Costa
Rica). And even if we could avoid that, we would be trying to pull down the
system from the inside. The last person to try that was the legendary Samson. And
look what happened to him!
I am not sure, either, that political parties outside the
mainstream, such as Reform UK, Reclaim or the Social Democrats, are likely to
be of much if any real use to us. For my sins, I am still a member of the
Reform UK party. It does have a few half way sane policies, notably encouraging
fracking, and lower taxes to free up economic activity. And Howard Cox is an
interesting candidate for Mayor of London.
But I am becoming less and less sanguine that the party has
anything like what it will take to understand and to achieve what is required. They
still seem mired inside the political paradigm, instead of recognizing that the
system as a whole has to go. Further, rather than concentrating on the most important
matters – energy, lowering taxes, ditching the green and “sustainability”
agendas, ditching the WHO, ditching anti-car policies nationwide, torching regulations
and bureaucracies, making government work for the people instead of against
us – they like to bang on about side issues like asylum seekers in boats.
What we can try to do
No: whatever we do, we must retain the moral high ground,
and capture more of it whenever we can. Our methods must match our philosophy.
They must be peaceful, just, honest, and truthful to the best of our knowledge.
They must clearly distinguish us from our enemies the parasites and pests, with
their arrogant lies and dishonesties, their violations of our rights, their bad
laws and injustices, and their penchant for force.
But we must not let ourselves be tempted to compromise with
our enemies in any way. We must allow them no more concern or compassion than
they have shown for us. We must not excuse. We must not forgive. We must not
forget. We must do everything we can not to let even a single one of them get
away with anything.
Engaging on topical issues
We must each of us do what we can to work with and to help those,
who are bravely resisting the impositions and violations of our rights and
freedoms, with which we are all battered. Each of us should engage on single
issues, which are important to us. We should be willing to work with honest
people who come from both the “left” and “right” of the (increasingly
irrelevant) old-style political spectrum.
Each of us, obviously, should use our particular skills to
best advantage in whatever we do to help these causes. And we should only do
things we are personally comfortable with.
Improving government processes
Something I would like to see, but as far as I know does not
yet exist, is a movement for proper, ethical quality control on government. In
the third essay of this set, I very briefly sketched the remit of the quality
control function in my scheme of Just Governance. And above, I mentioned the
institution of Honesty Audits among my on-going reforms.
Such systems could bring about a great improvement in the
way in which government treats people, even if merely tacked on to the current
system. For politicians would no longer find it easy to get away with lies or
deceptions, or with flouting regulations they themselves were involved in
making. Bureaucrats would be held far more accountable. Election fraud would be
far more difficult. And government projects, that cannot be shown objectively
to be a nett benefit to the people whom government is supposed to serve, would
be swiftly cancelled.
Spreading the Re-discovery mind-set
But for me, the most important single thing to do is to
spread the new mind-set which I described above. I don’t expect that many will
yet feel able to go quite as far as I do. For I have always been cynical about
politics; and my attitudes have evolved and hardened over many decades. But
ideas like re-discovering our human nature and our human spirit, restoring our
confidence in ourselves, smashing the chains of political orthodoxy, reviving
our rights and freedoms, and making our planet into a home and garden fit for a
civilized species, have the potential to be attractive to very many people.
It will be important, I think, to identify politics,
as it is today, as the source of all our woes, and the main target of our ire.
Franz Oppenheimer’s famous distinction between the economic means and the political
means will also play a key role. This should make it easier for people to
contemplate the possibility, that we the economic species, and the political
species that rules over us to our harm, have become estranged from each other. Yet
the idea that many or most political operators, and by extension the
establishment and its political class and cronies, do not behave like us and
therefore are in a real sense not us, is one I think many people could
quite easily accept, if prompted to consider it.
It will also be important to identify the two overlapping
tendencies within users of the political means: the parasites and pests. I like
to think these words will strike a chord, in many people’s minds, with the
reality of what they feel being done to them. The word politicals to embody
our enemies as a whole should also, I like to think, find resonance.
For those less far along in the process of Re-discovery,
there will also be a need to raise their level of awareness of the real issues.
We will need to wake up those, who have let themselves be drugged into a
sleep-walking state by all the propaganda from government, the education
system, the BBC and other mainstream media. And we will need to help those, who
have let themselves be dragged into a state of unreasoning fear over nothing,
to look at the objective facts, and so to understand that the future is not really
as bad as they thought after all.
The dangers from the UN, and its IPCC and WHO in particular,
must be brought out into the open, for those who are not already aware of them.
We also need to keep on calling out other dangerous globalist and internationalist
organizations, such as the WEF, WBCSD and C40.
The spreading of these ideas, I hope, can help to create
climate change; that is, change for the better in the mental climate. Leading
to a widespread and growing desire for change for the better in the system and
environment under which we live.
Spreading the wider philosophy
Further, some of the more “philosophical” ideas, such as
ethical equality, voluntary society and common-sense justice, may set people
thinking in new and better directions. They are all easy to understand in
themselves. And yet, they can spur us to think, each in our own way, more
deeply about the issues we face, and possible solutions to them. If they can
help people to start thinking more deeply about ethics, about what is right and
what is wrong for human beings to do, that would be good too.
I will briefly summarize the 12 key ideas of my ethical and
political philosophy. I covered them in a little more detail in the section
“Where we want to aim for” earlier in this essay:
Identity determines morality principle. Right
and wrong behaviours for a species of sentient beings are determined by the
nature of the species.
Ethical equality principle. What is right
for one to do, is right for another to do under similar circumstances, and vice
Honesty and integrity. In addition to the
conventional meanings of the word, honesty is being true to your nature.
Integrity is the product of honesty.
The Convivial Code. An ethical code of
conduct, encapsulating the behaviours which are right (and, implicitly or
explicitly, the behaviours which are wrong) for human beings.
Rights are earned principle. You earn
your own rights, by respecting the equal rights of others around you.
Respect for rights principle. If you
respect others’ rights, your own rights ought to be sacrosanct.
Judgement by behaviour principle. It
isn’t who someone is that matters, only what they do.
Community versus society. A community is
a group of people bound together by some shared characteristic, but not necessarily
by anything more. A society is a group of people who have agreed to join
together in a common cause. The two are not the same.
Voluntary society principle. All
societies must be voluntary.
10. Falsity
of the “social contract” fiction. There is no such thing as “society” in
the singular. There are only societies.
11. Common-sense
justice principle. Every individual deserves to be treated, over the long
run, in the round and as far as practicable, as he or she treats others.
12. Maximum
freedom principle. Except where countermanded by justice, the Convivial
Code or respect for rights, every individual is free to choose and act as he or
she wishes.
Dealing with our enemies
We must aim to drive a moral wedge between ourselves and our
enemies the political parasites and pests. We must aim to get those ordinary
people, who have woken up to what is going on, feeling and showing contempt for
them; even, perhaps, laughing scornfully at them.
I think that we should focus our attacks, not on them as
individuals or as a group, but on their hateful, psychopathic characteristics.
To repeat the list I gave earlier: Glibness and surface charm. Arrogance. Lies,
deceit or dishonesty. Hypocrisy, failing to practice what they preach. Lack of
empathy. Failure to accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
Lack of remorse. Recklessness. Impatience. Untrustworthiness. The great
majority of our enemies show at least two of these characteristics. The worst
have most of them.
As far as we can, most of us should avoid even speaking directly
with our enemies. As a very wise man once told me: “Don’t try to talk to
your enemies. Talk about them.” And it is the same in the other
direction. For, over a long time, our enemies have failed to listen with any
attention to us. So, why should we bother to listen to them?
We might, though, on rare occasions allow our debating
champions to compete against theirs. Just to show how bad and silly their ideas
are. But our enemies would probably be too cowardly to accept the debate,
Moreover, we should make people aware of how scary the
simple, natural idea of common-sense justice is likely to seem to our enemies. In
the words of the Prophet Obadiah: “As thou hast done, it shall be done unto
thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.”
The tipping point
John Locke wrote, more than three centuries ago: “But if a
long train of abuses, prevarications and artifices, all tending the same way,
make the design visible to the people, and they cannot but feel what they lie
under, and see whither they are going, it is not to be wondered that they
should then rouse themselves, and endeavour to put the rule into such hands
which may secure to them the ends for which government was at first erected.”
Already, many of us have identified the “long train of
abuses, prevarications and artifices.” The tipping point towards rousing
ourselves, I think, will come when enough people come to realize that states
and political governments, as they are constituted today, are not their
friends, but their enemies. I cannot be sure of just what percentage of the
population that will be. But, from what I see and hear, it may come sooner than
some expect.
Then we shall be into a scenario like the one I described above,
in the section titled “How to make a start on fixing the problems.” And it will
be time for someone (I hope it doesn’t have to be me!) to drag our human
species, no doubt kicking and screaming, into the new world.
Can our enemies reform themselves?
As to those of our enemies who are honest enough to be open
to reforming themselves, we will not completely close the door on them. They
can re-join humanity if they want to, as long as they are willing and able to fully
meet the conditions for leaving their parasite pen or pest pit. Their fate is entirely
up to them.
All they need do is: Cease all disconvivial actions,
including aggressions, thefts, dishonesty and violations of rights and
freedoms. Ensure they never again do such actions. Make themselves productive
and independent in the free market economy. Compensate all those they wronged,
in full, with interest, damages and allowance for inflation. And take whatever
criminal punishment is appropriate for what they did.
This isn’t much to ask. Any human being worth the name ought
to be able to do it. And each positive result will be a win-win-win situation.
We get some of the compensation we are owed; they get a fresh start in life;
and all of us get another human being to trade with.
There is another parallel with the Neanderthal extinction,
which may be useful. We know that the Neanderthals, in the end, managed to
contribute a small percentage of our genome. I can only assume that some of
them managed to adapt their behaviours sufficiently, to be able to co-operate
with homo sapiens. This parallel would suggest that all is not lost
(quite yet) for those parasites and pests who are prepared to commit to
reforming themselves.
But one thing I am quite sure of: there must be no
forgiveness without compensation. And those degenerates that cannot or will not
reform themselves, and fail to become convivial human beings, we will simply
ostracize. We don’t need them. We don’t want them.
Where we’re going
Thus, I expect, will homo sapiens (the ape too smart
for his own good) of today evolve into homo convivendus (the human being
fit to be lived with) of tomorrow. And we human beings will claim at last the
habitat of peace, freedom and justice, that is rightfully ours.
Quicker than you might expect, we will reduce the quantity
of politics in the world to “absolute zero.” The use of Franz Oppenheimer’s
political means will no longer be tolerated; all human beings will use the
economic means. Our world will become free from politics, from political
injustices, from wars, from bad laws, from concerted violations of human
rights, from re-distributory, confiscatory or otherwise unjust taxes, and from
all the other destructions that have been caused by the state. All human beings
will come together into a world-wide convivial community. And our economy will
become truly sustainable; in the same way in which a bush fire, or a nuclear
reaction, is sustainable.
Our world will be, at last, the right way up. And we will be
on our way to a free, just, prosperous, happy future for all human beings worth
the name.
The future we deserve
Here is my vision of the future we deserve. The words are my
own adaptation from the 15th century carol “Alleluya: A new work is come on
hand.” I have also composed music to these words. The music is an edited
version of my submission to the BBC Radio 3 Christmas Carol Composing
competition back in 2016. I will publish that separately.
Sing loud and high,
Peace and justice for
A new day is come on hand,
New light and warmth from
our sun,
To wake us up in every
Peace and justice! Peace
and justice! Peace and justice!
Now we are free who once
were bound,
Now we are free who once
were bound,
We may well sing,
Peace and justice for
Now is fulfilled our
That all we humans must be
To make our home and
Home and garden! Home and
garden! Home and garden!
Sing we therefore both
loud and high,
Sing we therefore both
loud and high,
Sing loud and high,
Peace and justice for ever!
Peace and justice, this
sweet song,
From human nature it has
And now it’s our task to
make it long,
Peace and justice! Peace
and justice! Peace and justice!
Now joy and bliss be us
Now joy and bliss be us
Who thus can sing,
Peace and justice for
John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, §225
First Treatise of Government, §92
Second Treatise of Government, §6
Second Treatise of Government, §128
Second Treatise of Government, §124
Second Treatise of Government, §12